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Text File | 1986-09-04 | 213.4 KB | 6,767 lines |
- DFA - DFAddress
- The address utility for the AMIGA
- (C) Copyright 1992-1995 Dirk Federlein
- *** DFA is an SASG product ***
- - Shareware -
- This manual describes the installation and the usage of *DFA* version
- 2.6. If you use a localized Workbench (Workbench V2.1 and better) and
- have set it to a language other than English, please notice that I'll
- refer to the English program texts in this documentation!
- Welcome!
- ********
- Welcome to the documentation of *DFA*! Please, do *not* stop here, but
- continue reading - it will be to your advantage!
- Only by reading this manual carefully, can learn everything about the
- many different features of *DFA*! Some of your questions - if not all
- of them - which you might have at this time, will be answered here.
- Please remember that I put a lot of time and effort (`blood, sweat and
- tears') into this manual -- please show your acknowledgement by reading
- this documentation (of course, you may feel free to register)!
- *Dirk Federlein*
- Features
- ********
- *DFA* supplies many outstanding features, some of them I'd like to
- mention here:
- * OS2.0 "Look and Feel"
- - Commodity support, i.e. *DFA* can be reached by hotkey or the
- Exchange utility of the Workbench
- - The *DFA-Editor* main window is an application window
- - Application icon and application menu (can be toggled)
- - It is possible to use *DFA* as default tool
- * Starting with OS2.1 locale is supported
- * OS3.0 is supported, if available
- * Comfortable and nice user interface
- - MagicWB icons for all programs and drawers of the distribution
- - Button row with MagicWB images to access the most important
- functions
- - All windows of *DFA* are font sensitive
- - The *DFA-Editor* main window is font sensitive and *resizable*
- - All operations in *DFA* are accessable via keyboard
- * Extensive opportunities to customize *DFA*
- - The format of the address listview and of display part in the
- main window of the *DFA-Editor* can be changed
- - Addresses can be sorted by any (text) field of the address
- - The fonts for the *DFA-Editor* and the *DFA-Preferences* can
- be changed
- - Custom screens can be used
- * Powerful AREXX interface for best flexibility
- * Carefully programmed application for optimal efficiency
- - The program has been split into the editor, server and
- preferences parts; by this the available memory is optimally
- used and *DFA* often needs even less memory than in version
- 1.2x
- - Program parts used by more than one part of *DFA* have been
- exported into a shared library, the `dfa.library'
- - The internal memory management was rewritten from scratch with
- the consequence that the addresses now use much less RAM than
- in version 1.2x
- - The usage of memory pools decreases memory fragmentation
- - Highly optimized load and save routines.
- * Outstanding features
- - Support of external files
- - Powerful dial function
- - The addresses can be separated into groups
- - Network support
- Installation
- ************
- I strongly recommend use of the supplied install program to install
- *DFA*. It extracts the needed files from their archives and copies them
- to the correct places on your harddisk. It sets all needed tooltypes as
- well.
- After the installation procedure has been completed, there exist the
- following files, or according to your installation, at least some of
- them, on your harddisk:
- * *`DFA', `DFA.info'*
- The *DFA-Server* program; it supplies the AREXX-Port and manages
- the Application icon. Putting it into the `WBStartup' drawer is a
- good idea.
- * *`DFAEditor', `DFAEditor.info'*
- The graphical user interface of *DFA*. If you want to start this
- program from the Shell, please copy it into a drawer in your
- search path, otherwise in any directory you like, e.g. `DFA:c',
- which is the default.
- * *`DFAPrefs', `DFAPrefs.info'*
- The preferences program for *DFA*. All settings can be done from
- within this program. A good place for it is the `SYS:Prefs' or the
- `DFA:Prefs' directory.
- * *`dfa.library'*
- Must be in `libs:' or in `DFA:libs'. This library is needed by all
- other parts of *DFA*, i.e. the *DFAServer*, the *DFAEditor* and
- the *DFAPrefs* program.
- * *`Registration', `Registration.info'*
- This is the new registration program of the *SASG*. This program
- makes it possible to register or update in a very comfortable and
- fast way. Furthermore it contains detailed information about the
- *SASG* and the *advantages* that *you* may take out of it.
- * *`DFA.guide'*
- The AMIGAGUIDE documentation of *DFA*. To read the file you need
- e.g. the `AmigaGuide' or the `Multiview' program.
- * *`DFA.dvi'*
- The manual in the `DVI' format. To look at it or print it you need
- TeX (e.g. PasTeX (C) Georg Heßmann).
- * *`DFAEditor.guide'*
- The online help for the *DFA-Editor*; it can be found in
- `Help:<language>' or in the drawer you selected during the
- installing procedure.
- * *`DFAPrefs.guide'*
- The online help for the *DFA-Preferences* program; it can be found
- in `Help:<language>' or in the drawer you selected during the
- installing procedure.
- * *`dfa.key'*
- If you've got a registered version of *DFA*, you can find the
- so-called keyfile `dfa.key' in the `s' drawer of the distribution.
- To give *DFA* the chance to find the keyfile you either have to
- copy it to the `s:' drawer of your boot partition (default) or, if
- you prefer another directory for your keyfile, you will have to set
- the environment variable `KEYPATH' to this *drawer*.
- Example:
- Usually the install program has already done this for you.
- * *`AddressFiles/Default.dfa'*
- The default address file. It contains the address of the program
- author.
- * *`rexx/#?.ced'*
- AREXX scripts for the CED ((C) 1987-1993 CYGNUSSOFT SOFTWARE)
- working together with *DFA*. The explanation of each AREXX script
- can be found in the scripts.
- * *`rexx/#?.dfa'*
- AREXX scripts that can be started directly out of the *DFA-Editor*
- (via the function keys).
- * *`rexx/#?.rexx'*
- AREXX scripts that can be be started out of the shell (using the
- `rx' command.
- * *`locale/Catalogs/<language>/#?.catalog'*
- In each `language' directory (e.g. `deutsch' you can find the
- catalog files that are needed for the locale support (Workbench
- 2.1 and better needed). Usually the installer script has already
- copied the needed files to the correct drawers.
- Quick Start
- ***********
- After you have installed *DFA* (see Installation, for more
- information), the default settings are used. These settings already
- allow you to use *DFA* and take a lot of advantage out of it. Please
- notice that the *huge* amount of settings, which can be tuned in the
- *DFA-Preferences* program, can only be saved in the *registered*
- version (see DFAPrefs and Registration for details)!
- If you copied the *DFA-Server* (filename `DFA') into the `WBStartup'
- drawer, as it is recommended by the install program, *DFA* will be
- started each time the computer starts up; futhermore, an application
- icon for *DFA* is supplied on the Workbench screen.
- This behaviour of *DFA* can be changed as described in ServerTooltypes
- and DFAPrefs.
- As *DFA* tries to follow the "User Interface Style Guide" as closely as
- possible, it should be no problem (at least for advanced users) to
- figure out all the functions of *DFA* according to "trial and error".
- If you don't want any bad (?) surprises, just continue reading...
- The concept of DFA
- ******************
- Beginning with *DFA* version 2.0, it is no longer a single program, but
- consists of several parts: The *DFA-Server* (see DFAServer); the
- *DFA-Editor* (see DFAEditor) and the *DFA-Preferences* program (see
- DFAPrefs).
- Certain functions that are used by more than one of these programs have
- been exported into a socalled "shared library", the `dfa.library'.
- By doing so, it is possible now that *DFA* often uses less RAM than in
- former versions of *DFA*, even though it contains many enhancements! If
- *DFA* would still have been one single program, it would have been a
- size of about 300 KB and nearly noone would have copied it into the
- `WBStartup' drawer.
- In spite of splitting the program into several parts, I tried to keep
- the known handling of *DFA*: one should think he works with one single
- program. To do so, the *DFA-Server* calls the *DFA-Editor* after the
- user hits the hotkey; the *DFA-Preferences* program on the other hand
- can be reached directly out of the *DFA-Editor* by selecting the
- corresponding menu item.
- This new concept will be useful for people that start *DFA* on demand
- only and therefore don't need the AREXX and the Commodity part of
- *DFA*; these people may start the *DFA-Editor* directly (from the
- Workbench or Shell) and save the memory the *DFA-Server* would have
- taken (about 40 KB).
- Usage of DFA
- ************
- You can control *DFA* *completely* by mouse or by keyboard.
- Some notes on the usage of the keyboard:
- * *Button Gadgets*
- All Gadgets have a corresponding text. In this text you'll find
- one character *underlined*. This character is the "shortcut" to
- the gadget. To use this shortcut, just push the corresponding
- key. You don't have to push any qualifier like `CONTROL' or
- `ALT'. For simple buttons it doesn't matter if you push the
- "normal" or the capital letter. For other gadgets it can make a
- difference (see below for details).
- * *Listviews*
- Listviews are used in the *DFA-Editor* as well as in the
- *DFA-Preferences* program. There are two different types of
- listviews: Listviews in which you can select entries (raised
- border), e.g. the address listview in the *DFA-Editor* main window,
- and listviews that only display information (recessed border), e.g.
- the listview in the *DFA-Editor* full window.
- If not mentioned otherwise, all listviews can be used as follows:
- *Input listview:*
- Shortcut The next entry becomes the active one,
- the list scrolls accordingly.
- Shift Shortcut The previous entry becomes the active one,
- the list scrolls accordingly.
- *Read only listview:*
- Shortcut The list scrolls *up*.
- Shift Shortcut The list scrolls *down*.
- Sometimes the listviews can be controlled by the cursor keys, or
- it is possible to scroll page by page. If this is the case, the
- enhanced usage of that particular listview is described seperately
- on that place.
- * *Cycle Gadgets*
- In front of a cycle gadget there is short text, which describes the
- function of the gadget. Again there is one character underlined.
- However, here it does matter if you use the capital letter or not.
- The "normal" letter cycles foreward, the capital letter backward.
- * *Radio Buttons*
- Only one of the buttons that belong together can be activated at
- once. You can select an entry by pushing the proper shortcut.
- The case of the shortcut is not important.
- * *Check Boxes*
- A check box can be selected (shown by a tick) or deselected
- ("blank"). You can switch the current state by pushing the
- corresponding hotkey.
- * *String Gadgets*
- The string gadgets have the same functions as the "original" string
- gadgets. However, I added some features which should make them
- easier to use:
- - Hit `RETURN' to end the input to the current gadget and go to
- the next string or integer gadget. You may use the `ENTER' key
- alternatively.
- - Hit `SHIFT' `RETURN' to end the input to the current gadget
- and go to the *previous* gadget.
- - Hitting `CURSOR UP' or `CURSOR DOWN' brings the cursor to the
- previous or next string gadget respectively.
- - Hit `ESCAPE' to cancel the input into the current string
- gadget.
- - If the cursor stands within a string gadget, the shortcuts can
- be reached by hitting `RIGHT AMIGA'-`<letter>' and `SHIFT'.
- If you don't hit `SHIFT' additionally, the keyboard shortcut
- is used either by the internal string gadget edit features
- (like `RIGHT AMIGA X' or `RIGHT AMIGA Q') or by additional
- tools like `NewList'.
- You activate a string gadget by pushing the according shortcut.
- Usually there is no difference if you hit the upper case or the
- lower case character, as long as there is no button gadget behind
- the string gadget. This button gadget that contains a small symbol
- instead of text, activates a requester, which allows a more
- comfortable input in the string gadget in front of it. If there is
- such a button, you activate the string gadget with the lower case
- key and the button gadget behind the string gadget with the upper
- case key.
- * *Text Gadgets*
- Usually text gadgets don't have a shortcut, as they only display
- text, but don't allow any input. Some text gadgets, however, have
- a small button gadget behind them (cf. *DFA-Preferences*:
- Font-Preferences) After you have hit this gadget, a requester pops
- up and you may select an entry which is displayed in the text
- gadget as soon as you've completed the requester. Therefore, the
- gadget shortcut doesn't refer to the text gadget itself, but to
- the button gadget behind it.
- * *Online Help*
- Beginning with *DFA* version 1.2, it supports an *Online Help*
- feature. To invoke it, just hit the `Help' key and the help
- window pops up. Please remember that the `GUIDEFILE' tooltype of
- the *DFA-Editor* and the *DFA-Preferences* program have to be set
- correctly. The installer program usually has already done this
- for you.
- The DFA-Server program
- **********************
- The *DFA-Server* (filename: `DFA') supplies the commodity features
- (hotkey, access by the `Exchange' program) and contains the complete
- AREXX interface; furthermore it manages the application icon.
- *Please notice:*
- If you want to use any AREXX functions out of the *DFA-Editor*, you
- have to make sure that the *DFA-Server* is running.
- Tooltypes
- =========
- If you click on the icon of the *DFA-Server* program once and activate
- the information program from the Workbench menu, you may change the
- following tooltypes:
- If you use this tooltype, you can change the name of the address
- file that will be loaded by *DFA* during startup (e.g.
- `ADDRESSFILE=MyAddresses.dfa'). Please notice that, in this case,
- the file you set in the *DFA-Preferences* program is not used.
- * *`CX_POPKEY'*
- The preset hotkey is `LCOMMAND F5', i.e. you can pop up the
- *DFA-Editor* by pushing `Left Amiga F5' (cf. `CX_POPUP').
- You can change this hotkey using the following keywords:
- LSHIFT left shift key
- RSHIFT right shift key
- CAPSLOCK caps lock key
- CONTROL control key
- LALT left alt key
- RALT right alt key
- RCOMMAND right AMIGA key
- NUMERICPAD numeric pad
- MIDBUTTON middle mouse button
- RBUTTON right mouse button
- LEFTBUTTON left mouse button
- F1-F10 function keys 1 to 10
- UP cursor up
- DOWN cursor down
- LEFT cursor left
- RIGHT cursor right
- HELP help key
- DEL del key
- RETURN return key
- ENTER enter key on the numeric pad; notice that you have
- to set `NUMERICPAD' as well!
- BACKSPACE backspace key
- ESC escape key
- SPACE space key
- COMMA comma key
- UPSTROKE upstroke key
- A..Z, a..z "usual" keys
- 0..9, etc.
- You can "mix" these keys, for example:
- * *`CX_POPUP'*
- If you set `CX_POPUP=YES', you make the *DFA-Server* calling the
- *DFA-Editor* immediately after startup. Set `CX_POPUP=NO' to keep
- *DFA* "quiet" until you pop up the *DFA-Editor* by hitting the
- hotkey, or clicking on the application icon, or by starting the
- *DFA-Editor* directly from the Workbench or the Shell.
- With this Tool Type you can change the Priority of the *DFA*
- commodity part. The default setting of `CX_Priority=0' usually
- doesn't need to be changed. For more information look up your
- manual to the *AMIGA-OS*.
- This tooltype contains the filename (incl. the full path) that is
- used by the *DFA-Server* to call the *DFA-Editor*. The install
- program has usually set this tooltype according to your wishes,
- you only have to change anything if you copied the *DFA-Editor*
- manually to another place on your harddisk.
- This is a system Tool Type which forces the Workbench to not wait
- for *DFA* to finish loading. You should *not* remove this tool
- type.
- * *`PORTNAME'*
- *DFA* uses `DFA' for the portname. If there is another program
- with the same portname, *DFA* attaches numbers (`DFA.1', `DFA.2',
- etc.) until a definite name is found. However, if you want your
- "own" portname, you can set it using the tool type `PORTNAME'
- (e.g. `PORTNAME=OtherDFAPortname'). Please remember that you
- have to adapt all example AREXX scripts, if you change the
- portname!
- CLI Parameters
- ==============
- If you start *DFA* from Workbench, the tooltypes described above will
- be used. When you start *DFA* from Shell, these tooltypes are used as
- well, as long as the corresponding `.info'-File is present. You can
- give the following parameters to *DFA* that overwrite the previous
- settings (within the .info file). The possible arguments are described
- below:
- This means you may...
- ... set the hotkey to `Left Amiga F1' by `DFA CX_POPUP="LCOMMAND F1"'
- ... set the AREXX port to `MyArexxPort' by `DFA PORTNAME=MyArexxPort'
- ... load the alternate address file `MyAddresses.dfa' by `DFA
- ADDRESSFILE=MyAddresses.dfa'
- Commodity
- =========
- By pushing the hotkey (see ServerTooltypes), you may invoke the
- *DFA-Editor*. You'll get the same effect, if you start the `Exchange'
- program of the Workbench and select `Show Interface'.
- Using the `Exchange' program, you can stop *DFA* (hit `Remove'), or to
- make it inactive (hit `Inactive'), or active respectively.
- Application-Icon
- ================
- The application icon supplies two functions:
- * A double click on it activates the *DFA-Editor*.
- * If you let the icon of an address file "fall" on the application
- icon, the *DFA-Editor* is started and the according address file is
- loaded.
- Arexx
- =====
- *Please notice:*
- To use the AREXX functions of the *DFA-Editor*, the *DFA-Server* has to
- run simutaneously.
- Important -- new features since version 1.2x
- --------------------------------------------
- The AREXX interface has been rewritten from scratch for *DFA* 2.0. Some
- commands have been added...
- * GETPREFS (v2.5)
- * GETTEMPLATE (v2.5)
- * LOADPREFS (v2.5)
- * SAVEPREFS (v2.5)
- * SETPREFS (v2.5)
- ... some old commands have been changed or improved regarding their
- syntax:
- * EDIT (v2.0, v2.2)
- * KILL
- * LOAD
- * NEW
- * SEARCH (v2.5)
- Most of all, however, I've changed the order of the fields within an
- address item, which is returned by several commands like `FIRST',
- `NEXT', `GETCURRENT', etc.
- The reason for doing so is that I thought it would be a good idea to
- have the same order of the fields in the AREXX interface as in the
- *DFA-Editor* edit window, as this makes it much easier to remember
- which meaning the different numbers of an address field have (cf.
- ArexxReturnAddress).
- Basics
- ------
- *DFA* (i.e. the *DFA-Server*) usually accepts AREXX commands at any
- time, even if the *DFA-Editor* and/or the *DFA-Preferences* program is
- running at the same time. It is possible, however, that the execution
- of an AREXX command will be delayed if someone for example is just
- editing an address within the `Edit' window of the *DFA-Editor*. The
- reason for this safety protocol can be explained easily: As the
- addresses are kept in memory only once, all *DFA* related programs have
- access to the same address list. By the protocol described above, I
- want to make sure that no part of the *DFA* package tries to use
- addresses that another part of *DFA* has already deleted (this would
- sooner or later cause the machine to crash).
- The basics of the AREXX programming language can be found in the AREXX
- manual that comes along with *AMIGA-OS 2.0* or better or in the "AREXX
- User's Reference Manual"(1).
- The AREXX port that has to be used to address *DFA* is `DFA', as long
- as you did not change this name by the tooltype `PORTNAME', as
- described in ServerTooltypes. This should only be done, if you have
- another program running that uses the portname `DFA', as well, and you
- don't want to use *DFA*'s feature to choose a clear portname.
- A further remark on the `Load', `Append', and `Save as' commands:
- If you give a filename, you should always use the complete pathname, as
- otherwise it is very likely that the file can't be found or is written
- to a place you don't expect. Refering to the home directory of *DFA*
- doesn't make much sense, as *DFA* is often placed in another drawer
- than the address files and, furthermore, as *DFA* remembers the
- recently loaded filename and uses it for loading and saving.
- Beyond the item `Syntax', the possible parameters are listed. The
- description of the parameters follows the known style given by
- Commodore, here is its meaning:
- */S - Switch*
- This is considered a boolean variable. If this option is present,
- the corresponding option is enabled, otherwise it keeps disabled.
- */K - Keyword.*
- This parameter must be given in the format `keyword=<setting>';
- e.g. the `PRINT' command can get `FORM/K' either as `FORM=ALL' or
- `FORM=SELECTED' or `FORM=ACTIVE'. The equal sign `=' may be left
- out.
- */N - Number.*
- This means the parameter is considered a decimal integer,
- */T - Toggle.*
- This is similar to the switch (/S) modifier, but one of the
- keywords `yes', `on', `no' or `off' is expected (not case
- sensitive). According to the keyword you provide, the option is
- switched on or off respectively.
- Please notice that you may *not* use the equal sign (`=') between
- the parameter and the modifier.
- The following examples may give you an idea, how this switch can be
- used:
- Examples:
- gui input off output on
- gui input yes output ON
- gui input NO output off
- *Important:*
- Starting with version 2.2 of DFA the behaviour of this /T switch
- changed a bit, so please adopt your Arexx scripts accordingly.
- */A - Always.*
- This modifier means that this option is required. It must appear in
- the command line.
- The exact syntax for every AREXX command can be found below, see
- ArexxCommands, for details.
- *Important:*
- The AREXX interface of *DFA* gives you a powerful instrument to manage
- the stored addresses. A wider range of functionality, however,
- implements more ways of loosing your data! This could happen not only
- by a malfunction of `DFA', but also by an improper used function or
- parameter. Therefore, I encourage you to make regular copies of your
- databases to keep the potential damage as small as possible.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) AREXX User's Reference Manual, William S. Hawes, P.O. Box 308,
- Maynard, MA 01754
- Format of the Address Field
- ---------------------------
- If `ADDRESS/M' is listed in the return code section, this means that
- the corresponding command returns the wanted address if it has been
- executed successfully. The address can be found either in the variable
- given together with the AREXX keyword `STEM' or `VAR' or in the default
- variable `RESULTS'.
- Example:
- /* Outputs the first address */
- /* Please notice the full stop behind 'TEST' ! */
- This short example outputs the name of the first entry of the address
- list.
- The `STEM' keyword returns the address in the form of a list, i.e. the
- address items appear in `TEST.ADDRESS.0' through `TEST.ADDRESS.25'. In
- `TEST.ADDRESS.COUNT' you can find the number of entries of the address
- array. The `VAR' keyword lets *DFA* return the desired address as well,
- but the whole address is stored in one single variable, separated by
- spaces. Please consult your AREXX manual for further details.
- The address fields correspond to the following "numbers":
- *0*
- Salutation
- *1*
- First
- *2*
- Name
- *3*
- Co
- *4*
- Street
- *5*
- Zip
- *6*
- City
- *7*
- State
- *8*
- Country
- *9*
- Birthday
- *10*
- Phone
- *11*
- Fax
- *12*
- Email1
- *13*
- Email2
- *14*
- Email3
- *15*
- Comment
- *16*
- Group1
- *17*
- Group2
- *18*
- Group3
- *19*
- Group4
- *20*
- Group5
- *21*
- Group6
- *22*
- Group7
- *23*
- Group8
- *24*
- Selected
- *25*
- External
- Arexx commands
- --------------
- The ABOUT Command
- .................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- The `About' window of *DFA* is opened
- The APPEND Command
- ..................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- New addresses are appended to the existing address database. If
- the existing addresses have been changed, the new addresses are
- not appended, as long as you don't supply the keyword `FORCE'
- additionally. It is possible to use the `PROMPT' parameter, which
- will supply a file requester to input the desired filename of the
- address database to append.
- `Argument description:'
- * FILENAME <string>
- The filename of the address file to be appended.
- Forces appending the address file.
- Opens a file requester that allows the selection of the
- address file to be appended.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- .......................
- `Syntax:'
- ATTEMPTLOCK [<retries>] [<delay>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- If you are in network mode (see PrefsNetworking), you have to get
- write access to the address file, before you may modify anything.
- To do so you have to use the `ATTEMPTLOCK' command. If someone
- else in the LAN keeps the write access to the desired address
- file, this commands returns an error code in `RC' and `RC2' (see
- `Argument description:'
- Maximal number of retries, if the attempt to get write access
- did not succeed at once.
- Number of seconds that shall pass between two retries.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- ........................
- `Syntax:'
- CHANGEGROUPS [<group2>] [<group1>] [<group3>] [<group4>]
- [<group5>] [<group6>] [<group7>] [<group8>] [ALL]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Changes the active group selection. Commands like `PRINT' or
- `SEARCH' apply only to the currently active groups. To reach all
- addresses in all groups you have to activate them using this
- command before.
- Please notice that I have changed the syntax of this command for
- version 2.5. Instead of the `/S' switch I implemented the `/T'
- toggle switch, which is more flexible.
- `Argument description:'
- * GROUP1
- * GROUP2
- * GROUP3
- * GROUP4
- * GROUP5
- * GROUP6
- * GROUP7
- * GROUP8
- Each group can be switched on (`ON' or `YES' or off (`OFF' or
- `NO'). If you call `CHANGEGROUPS' without any parameter, the
- group selection keeps unchanged.
- * ALL
- Instead of activating each of the 8 groups, you may simply
- use this parameter to active all groups.
- `Example:'
- /* Activate groups 1 through 6 */
- /* The group selection for groups 7 and 8 is not changed */
- The CLEARALL Command
- ....................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- All items of the address list are deselected.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- Only addresses that correspond to the current group selection are
- deselected!
- The DESELECT Command
- ....................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- The current entry (it one exists) is deselected.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The DIAL Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- The current address (if one exists) is dialed up.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The EDIT Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- EDIT [SALUTATION <string>] [FIRST <string>] [NAME <string>]
- [STREET <string>] [CO <string>] [ZIP <string>] [CITY <string>]
- [STATE <string>] [COUNTRY <string>] [BIRTHDAY <string>] [PHONE
- <string>] [FAX <string>] [EMAIL1 <string>] [EMAIL2 <string>]
- [EMAIL3 <string>] [COMMENT <string>] [GROUP1] [GROUP2] [GROUP3]
- <string>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The current address (if one exists) is modified in the given
- fields. The former contents of these fields is deleted. Fields
- that are not given as parameters are not changed and keep their
- former contents. Please notice that parameters that contain
- spaces have to be set into quotes, for example:
- EDIT 'COMMENT="A test that contains spaces"'
- Please remember to use `'' for the outer and `"' for the inner
- quotes!
- Since version 2.2 of *DFA* has been completed, the behavior of the
- `/T' modifiers has slightly changed. If you want to switch a `/T'
- parameter on, you have to supply a `ON' or `YES' just behind the
- according parameter. To switch a parameter off, use the keywords
- `OFF' or `NO', e.g.
- `Argument description:'
- * SALUTATION <string>
- Salutation
- * FIRST <string>
- First name
- * NAME <string>
- Name
- * STREET <string>
- Street
- * CO <string>
- c/o
- * ZIP <string>
- Postal code
- * CITY <string>
- City
- * STATE <string>
- State
- * COUNTRY <string>
- Country
- * BIRTHDAY <string>
- Birthday
- * PHONE <string>
- Phone number
- * FAX <string>
- Telefax number
- * EMAIL1 <string>
- Email address No. 1
- * EMAIL2 <string>
- Email address No. 2
- * EMAIL3 <string>
- Email address No. 3
- * COMMENT <string>
- Comment
- * GROUP1
- Group No. 1
- * GROUP2
- Group No. 2
- * GROUP3
- Group No. 3
- * GROUP4
- Group No. 4
- * GROUP5
- Group No. 5
- * GROUP6
- Group No. 6
- * GROUP7
- Group No. 7
- * GROUP8
- Group No. 8
- Selection state, i.e. `ON' or `OFF'.
- * EXTERNAL <string>
- The *filename* of the external file.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- ........................
- `Syntax:'
- <string>] [STREET <string>] [CO <string>] [ZIP <string>] [CITY
- <string>] [STATE <string>] [COUNTRY <string>] [BIRTHDAY <string>]
- [PHONE <string>] [FAX <string>] [EMAIL1 <string>] [EMAIL2
- <string>] [EMAIL3 <string>] [COMMENT <string>] [<group1>]
- [<group2>] [<group3>] [<group4>] [<group5>] [<group6>] [<group7>]
- [<group8>] [<select>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Changes the template address.
- This command makes most sense within the AREXX script that may be
- used in connection with the the `New' function of the *DFA-Editor*.
- `Argument description:'
- * SALUTATION <string>
- Salutation
- * FIRST <string>
- First name
- * NAME <string>
- Name
- * STREET <string>
- Street
- * CO <string>
- c/o
- * ZIP <string>
- Postal code
- * CITY <string>
- City
- * STATE <string>
- State
- * COUNTRY <string>
- Country
- * BIRTHDAY <string>
- Birthday
- * PHONE <string>
- Phone number
- * FAX <string>
- Telefax number
- * EMAIL1 <string>
- Email address No. 1
- * EMAIL2 <string>
- Email address No. 2
- * EMAIL3 <string>
- Email address No. 3
- * COMMENT <string>
- Comment
- * GROUP1
- Group No. 1
- * GROUP2
- Group No. 2
- * GROUP3
- Group No. 3
- * GROUP4
- Group No. 4
- * GROUP5
- Group No. 5
- * GROUP6
- Group No. 6
- * GROUP7
- Group No. 7
- * GROUP8
- Group No. 8
- Selection state, i.e. `ON' or `OFF'.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- Please notice that the template address is not used by the AREXX
- interface, but only by the *DFA-Editor*.
- `Example:'
- /*
- * Example for an AREXX script that may be used in
- * connection with the New function of the DFAEditor.
- *
- * It sets the salutation and name fields with contents
- *
- */
- address 'DFA'
- edittemplate 'salutation="Mr" name="<still unknown>"'
- exit
- The FIRST Command
- .................
- `Syntax:'
- FIRST [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The first address of the address list becomes the current one and
- is returned in the `ADDRESS' variable.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The FREELOCK Command
- ....................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- If you've got write access using the `ATTEMPTLOCK' command (cf.
- ATTEMPTLOCK), you should free the locked file as soon as possible
- using the `FREELOCK' command, to give other members of the LAN the
- chance to access this address file.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- Makes sense in network mode only!
- The GETCURRENT Command
- ......................
- `Syntax:'
- GETCURRENT [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The current entry (if there exists one) is returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The GETPREFS Command
- ....................
- `Syntax:'
- [SORTBY2] [SORTBY3] [SORTBY4] [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Returns the settings of DFA. Only the first argument is used. The
- return value can be found in `RESULT' or within the variable you
- can give together with the `VAR' or `STEM' keyword.
- `Argument description:'
- AppIcon:
- - 0 Show the AppIcon
- - 1 Don't show the AppIcon
- Automatic saving of the address file.
- - ALWAYS Saves the address file as soon as you leave the
- *DFA-Editors*.
- - REMOVE Thes the address file only, if you terminate the
- complete *DFA* application.
- - ASK When you leave the *DFA-Editor*, you're asked, if
- you wnat to save the address file.
- Generates an icon for the address files.
- - 0 Icon generation off
- - 1 Icon generation on
- Secret mode:
- - 0 Secret mode off
- - 1 Secret mode on
- Network mode:
- - 0 Network mode off
- - 1 Network mode on
- Number of retries, when *DFA* tries to get write access to an
- address file.
- Number of seconds to wait between two retries.
- Name of the different groups.
- Group relation:
- - OR via `OR'
- - AND via `UND'.
- The baud rate of the modem. Possible values are:
- - 1200
- - 2400
- - 4800
- - 7200
- - 9600
- - 12000
- - 14400
- - 16800
- - 19200
- - 31250
- - 38400
- - 57600
- - 64000
- - 76800
- - 115000
- Init string.
- Exit string.
- Predial string.
- String, which is sent directly after the phone number.
- The name of the serial device.
- The number of the serial device.
- Usage of the `OwnDevUnit.library':
- - 0 The `OwnDevUnit.library' is not used.
- - 1 The `OwnDevUnit.library' is used.
- Number of retries, if the line is busy.
- Delay (in seconds) between two retries.
- Path and name of the address file.
- Name of the drawer that contains the external files.
- Name (incl. path) of the text editor.
- Name (incl. path) of the text viewer.
- Each parameter can return one of the following keywords:
- - NAME
- - CO
- - ZIP
- - CITY
- - FAX
- - EMAIL1
- - EMAIL2
- - EMAIL3
- - CLEAR Deleted sort criteria, i.e. none.
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- The return value depends on the argument you supply; see above.
- `Note:'
- -
- `Example:'
- -
- .......................
- `Syntax:'
- GETTEMPLATE [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The current template address is returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The GUI Command
- ...............
- `Syntax:'
- GUI [<input>] [<output>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Using this command you may lock or free the *DFAEditor's* output
- and input respectively.
- After you've locked the input of the *DFAEditor* using `GUI INPUT
- OFF', it is no longer possible to do any input to the *DFAEditor*,
- i.e. you cannot select any gadgets or menus.
- If you've used `GUI OUTPUT OFF' to lock the output of the
- *DFAEditor*, the address and teh panel listview of the *DFAEditor*
- main window are no longer updated, when you more through the
- address list using `NEXT' or `PREV' for example. Not before
- you've used the command `GUI OUTPUT ON', the displayed is
- "activated" again.
- `Argument description:'
- Disables or enables user input into the *DFAEditor*.
- Disables the refreshing of the *DFAEditor*'s address and panel
- listview.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- Please make sure that you enable input and/or output, before your
- Arexx script ends, if you've formerly disabled them.
- The ICONIFY Command
- ...................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The *DFA-Editor* is stopped, if it is currently running. The
- *DFA-Server*, however, keeps running, so you still can reach the
- *DFA-Editor* by pushing the hotkey.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The KILL Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The current entry (`CURRENT') or all selected (`SELECTED')
- addresses are deleted! If you use the `KILL' command without a
- parameter, it has the same meaning as if you had given the
- `CURRENT' parameter, i.e. the current address (as long as there is
- one) is deleted.
- `Argument description:'
- The current address will be deleted. Can be left out.
- All selected addresses will be deleted.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- No safety requester will pop up! The addresses are deleted even if
- they have been modified before!
- The LAST Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- LAST [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The last address becomes the current one and is returned in
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The LOAD Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The given address file is loaded, if the previously loaded one had
- not been changed. You may force the loading of the new addresses by
- giving the `FORCE' parameter. Please notice that using the `FORCE'
- option throws away any changes you applied to the former loaded
- addresses.
- Instead of giving a filename, it is possible to use the `PROMPT'
- parameter, which will supply a file requester to input the desired
- filename.
- `Argument description:'
- * FILENAME <string>
- Address file to be loaded.
- Forces loading a new address file.
- Supplies a file requester to select the desired filename.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The LOADPREFS Command
- .....................
- `Syntax:'
- LOADPREFS [<filename>] [RESET] [PROMPT]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Loads a preferences file.
- `Argument description:'
- * FILENAME Filename of the preferences file.
- If you give no filename, the file `ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs' is
- loaded.
- * RESET Resets the settings to their default values.
- * PROMPT A filerequester pops up and lets you enter the name of
- the preferences file to load.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- * There is no savety requester.
- * This command works only in the registered version of *DFA*
- The NEW Command
- ...............
- `Syntax:'
- NEW [SALUTATION <string>] [FIRST <string>] [NAME <string>] [STREET
- <string>] [CO <string>] [ZIP <string>] [CITY <string>] [STATE
- <string>] [COUNTRY <string>] [BIRTHDAY <string>] [PHONE <string>]
- [FAX <string>] [EMAIL1 <string>] [EMAIL2 <string>] [EMAIL3
- <string>] [COMMENT <string>] [GROUP1] [GROUP2] [GROUP3] [GROUP4]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- A new address is created using the provided data.
- Please notice that any templates you may have entered, will not be
- used by the Arexx interface.
- `Argument description:'
- * SALUTATION <string>
- Salutation
- * FIRST <string>
- First name
- * NAME <string>
- Name
- * STREET <string>
- Street
- * CO <string>
- c/o
- * ZIP <string>
- Postal code
- * CITY <string>
- City
- * STATE <string>
- State
- * COUNTRY <string>
- Country
- * BIRTHDAY <string>
- Birthday
- * PHONE <string>
- Phone number
- * FAX <string>
- Telefax number
- * EMAIL1 <string>
- EMail address No. 1
- * EMAIL2 <string>
- EMail address No. 2
- * EMAIL3 <string>
- EMail address No. 3
- * COMMENT <string>
- Comment
- * GROUP1
- Group No. 1
- * GROUP2
- Group No. 2
- * GROUP3
- Group No. 3
- * GROUP4
- Group No. 4
- * GROUP5
- Group No. 5
- * GROUP6
- Group No. 6
- * GROUP7
- Group No. 7
- * GROUP8
- Group No. 8
- Selection state, i.e. `0' or `1'.
- * EXTERNAL <string>
- The *filename* of the external file.
- The NEWFILE Command
- ...................
- `Syntax:'
- NEWFILE [<filename>] [FORCE] [PROMPT]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- This command makes it possible to create a new address file. The
- command fails if the previously loaded address file has been
- modifed. This behaviour can be changed by giving the `FORCE'
- option additionally.
- Using the parameter `PROMPT' enables a file requester to input the
- new filename.
- `Argument description:'
- New filename.
- Forces the creation of the new file, even if the old address
- file has been modified.
- Supplies a file requester to input the new filename.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The NEXT Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- NEXT [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The next address becomes the current one and is returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The NEXTSEL Command
- ...................
- `Syntax:'
- NEXTSEL [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The next selected address becomes the current one and is returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- ..........................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The `Edit' window is opened and the current address is displayed,
- if there is one. The execution of the Arexx script is halted until
- the `Edit' window is closed.
- `Argument description:'
- -
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Warning:'
- The `Edit' window is opened only if there is a current address,
- otherwise an error code is returned (see above).
- The POPUP Command
- .................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- If the *DFA-Editor* hasn't run up to now, it is started. Then it
- opens its main window. If the *DFA-Editor* is already running, it
- comes to front.
- The PREV Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- PREV [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The previous address becomes the current one and is returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The PREVSEL Command
- ...................
- `Syntax:'
- PREVSEL [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The previously selected address becomes the current one and is
- returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The PRINT Command
- .................
- `Syntax:'
- PRINT [WHICH <string>] [FILE <string>] [NLQ] [CONDENSED]
- [FORMFEED] [<form>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Prints the desired addresses.
- `Argument description:'
- * WHICH <string>
- `WHICH' can get the following keywords:
- `ALL'
- All addresses are printed
- Only the selected addresses are printed
- Only the active entry (if there is one) is printed.
- * FILE <string>
- the `FILE' parameter gets a filename. The addresses are
- written to this file instead of printed on the printer.
- * NLQ
- Prints the addresses in `NLQ'
- Prints the addresses in condensed mode
- After the last address has been printed, a formfeed is
- performed. The settings from the *DFA-Editor* print window
- are not taken!
- * FORM
- The `FORM' keyword can get the numbers `0' through `4'.
- These numbers have the same meaning as the order of the print
- forms in the print window, but starting with `0' instead of
- `1'.
- 0: Short address list
- 1: Long address list
- 2: Telephone list
- 3: mailing labels, [70mm x 46mm]
- 4: address cards
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The SAVE Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- The addresses are saved under their current name.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The SAVEAS Command
- ..................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The addresses are saved under the given name.
- `Argument description:'
- * FILENAME <string>
- Name of the address file to save.
- Saves the addresses even if they have *not* been changed
- before.
- Supplies a file requester, which may be used to select the
- name of the address file to be saved.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- .........................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- The addresses are saved under the default name that you entered in
- the *DFA-Preferences* (default name: `s:adr.file').
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- Please use this command very carefully! If you've just loaded
- another than the default address file, the default address file is
- overwritten by this command!
- The SAVEPREFS Command
- .....................
- `Syntax:'
- SAVEPREFS [<filename>] [PROMPT]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Saves the preferences file.
- `Argument description:'
- * FILENAME Name of the preferences file to load.
- If there is no filename given, the preferences are saved to
- `ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs' and `ENVARC:DFA/DFA.prefs' respectively.
- * PROMPT A filerequester pops up and lets you select the name
- of the file to save the preferences in.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- This command works only in the registered version of *DFA*.
- The SEARCH Command
- ..................
- `Syntax:'
- [COMMENT] [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The given pattern is searched for. If an address fits into the
- pattern, it is returned. If the *DFA-Editor* is currently open,
- the address list scrolls to the corresponding place.
- `Argument description:'
- * PATTERN <string>
- A search pattern. The known patterns from the Shell, as for
- example `#?' must be used (as long as you don't supply the
- `NOWILDCARDS' parameter). Please notice that partial strings
- are only found, if you put an `#?' before and/or behind the
- string (see example for details)! A detailed description of
- possible search patterns can be found in EditorSearch.
- Upper and lower case is treated as the same.
- Search for text fragments only, i.e. the Amiga patterns like
- e.g. `#?' are not used.
- * ALL
- All fields are searched.
- Only the `Salutation' fields are searched.
- Only the `First' fields are searched.
- * NAME
- Only the `Name' fields are searched.
- Only the `Street' fields are searched.
- * CO
- Only the `c/o' fields are searched.
- * ZIP
- Only the `ZIP' fields are searched.
- * CITY
- Only the `City' fields are searched.
- Only the `State' fields are searched.
- Only the `Country' fields are searched.
- Only the `Birthday' fields are searched.
- Only the `Phone' fields are searched.
- * FAX
- Only the `Fax' fields are searched.
- * EMAIL1
- Only the `EMail1' fields are searched.
- * EMAIL2
- Only the `EMail2' fields are searched.
- * EMAIL3
- Only the `EMail3' fields are searched.
- Only the `Comment' fields are searched.
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Example:'
- /*
- * Look for all names beginning with `M'.
- * Make no difference between upper and lower case.
- */
- The SEARCHNEXT Command
- ......................
- `Syntax:'
- SEARCHNEXT [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Continue searching for the pattern given before in `SEARCH'. If
- the search succeeded, the found address is returned. If the
- *DFA-Editor* is currently running, the address listview is updated.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- * .ADDRESS.x
- `Note:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The SELALL Command
- ..................
- `Syntax:'
- `Function:'
- All addresses are selected.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- Only addresses that match the current group selection are selected.
- The SELBYNAME Command
- .....................
- `Syntax:'
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- All addresses that match the given pattern are selected. Upper and
- lower case does not make a difference.
- `Argument description:'
- * PATTERN <string>
- A pattern string. The description of such patterns can be
- found in EditorSearch.
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- `Note:'
- All fields of all addresses (that match the current group
- selection) are searched.
- The SELECT Command
- ..................
- `Syntax:'
- SELECT [QUERY] [VAR <name>] [STEM <name>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The current entry (if there is one) is selected. If you supply the
- `QUERY' parameter, the current address is *not* selected, but its
- selection state (`0' or `1') is returned.
- `Argument description:'
- * VAR <name>
- * STEM <name>
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- The SETPREFS Command
- ....................
- `Syntax:'
- SETPREFS [<showappicon|appicon>] [AUTOSAVE|AS <string>]
- [<makeicon>] [<secretmode|sm>] [<networkmode|nwmode>]
- <figure>] [GROUPNAME1 <string>] [GROUPNAME2 <string>] [GROUPNAME3
- <string>] [GROUPNAME4 <string>] [GROUPNAME5 <string>] [GROUPNAME6
- <string>] [GROUPNAME7 <string>] [GROUPNAME8 <string>]
- [<modemuseodu|modu>] [MODEMRETRIES|MRETRIES <figure>]
- <string>] [SORTBY3 <string>] [SORTBY4 <string>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- Lets you set the most important settings.
- `Argument description:'
- Switches the application icon on or off.
- * AUTOSAVE|AS <string>
- Selects the desired save mode, i.e. one of:
- - ALWAYS The address file is saved *always*, if you leave
- the *DFA-Editor*.
- - REMOVE The address file is saved only if you *remove*
- *DFA*, i.e. the *DFA-Server* is terminated as well.
- wird.
- - ASK If you leave the *DFA-Editor*, you're asked if you
- want to save the address file.
- If you switch this on, an icon is created for every address
- file you save.
- Toggles the "secret" mode on or off.
- Switches the network mode on or off.
- Number of retries for the network mode.
- Delay between two retries (in seconds).
- The name of the different groups.
- The kind of relation between the groups, i.e. `OR' or `AND'.
- * MODEMBAUD|MBAUD <figure>
- Baud rate; available are:
- 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 12000, 14400, 16800, 19200,
- 31250, 38400, 57600, 64000, 76800 and 115200 baud.
- * MODEMINIT|MINIT <string>
- String to initialize the modem.
- * MODEMEXIT|MEXIT <string>
- String to terminate a connection.
- String to send just before the phone number.
- String to send just behind the phone number.
- Name of the serial device.
- Unit of the serial device.
- Usage of the `OwnDevUnit.library'.
- Number of retries used for dialing.
- Delay between two retries.
- Name of the address file to load during startup.
- Name of the drawer to store the external files in.
- Name of the editor (incl. its path), which is to be used for
- the external files.
- Name of the viewer (incl. its path), which is to be used for
- the external files.
- * SORTBY1 <string>
- * SORTBY2 <string>
- * SORTBY3 <string>
- * SORTBY4 <string> Every sort criteria can get one of the
- following field names:
- If you want to delete a sort criteria, just give `CLEAR'
- instead of a field name.
- `Results:'
- -
- The SORT Command
- ................
- `Syntax:'
- SORT [SORT1 <string>] [SORT2 <string>] [SORT3 <string>] [SORT4
- <string>]
- `Argument template:'
- `Function:'
- The addresses are sorted according to the sort criteria given in
- the *DFA-Preferences*. Alternatively you may explicitly give the
- search criteria by which you would like your addresses be sorted.
- `Argument description:'
- * SORT1 <string>
- * SORT2 <string>
- * SORT3 <string>
- * SORT4 <string>
- The following keywords are supported for the `Sort'
- parameters:
- - NAME
- - CO
- - ZIP
- - CITY
- - FAX
- - EMAIL1
- - EMAIL2
- - EMAIL3
- `Results:'
- The following error codes can be returned in `RC2':
- Error Codes
- -----------
- Below the usual error code that can be found in the `RC' variable (1)
- the AREXX interface of DFA returns a second return value in the
- variable `RC2', which describes in further detail what has gone wrong.
- Bolow you'll find the error numbers and their meaning:
- *Symbolic Name* *Meaning*
- 10 RXERR_NONETWORKAPPEND....Could not append file,
- as the network mode is activated
- 11 RXERR_MODIFIED...........The address file has been changed
- 12 RXERR_NOFILENAME.........No filename has been supplied
- 13 RXERR_NOCURRENT..........No current address available
- 14 RXERR_NOFIRST............No first address available
- 15 RXERR_NOICONIFY..........Iconifying the Editor went wrong
- 16 RXERR_NONETWORKKILL......Deleting addresses is not allowed
- while in network mode
- 17 RXERR_NOLAST.............There is no last address
- 18 RXERR_NOLOAD.............The address file could not be loaded
- 19 RXERR_NONETWORKNEW.......It is not possible to enter new
- addresses in network mode
- 20 RXERR_NONEXT.............There is no next address
- 21 RXERR_NONEXTSEL..........There is no next selected address
- 22 RXERR_NOPREV.............There is no previous address
- 23 RXERR_NOPREVSEL..........There is no previous selected address
- 24 RXERR_SYNTAX.............The AREXX command contained an syntax error
- 25 RXERR_WRITEALL...........The "printing" of addresses (all)
- into a file went wrong
- 26 RXERR_WRITESEL...........The "printing" of addresses (selected)
- into a file went wrong
- 27 RXERR_WRITECURRENT.......The "printing" of the current address
- into a file went wrong
- 28 RXERR_NOSAVE.............The address file could not be saved
- 29 RXERR_NONETWORKSAVE......Saving your address database is not
- allowed in network mode
- 30 RXERR_NOTFOUND...........The wanted address could not be found
- 31 RXERR_NONETWORKCLEAR.....Unselecting addresses is not allowed
- while being in network mode
- 32 RXERR_NONETWORKSELECT....Selecting addresses is not allowed
- in network mode
- 33 RXERR_NONETWORKSORT......Sorting addresses is not allowed
- while being in network mode
- 34 RXERR_NONETWORKEDIT......Editing addresses is not allowed
- while being in network mode
- 35 RXERR_OPNPRT.............Could not open printer device
- 36 RXERR_CRTEXTIO...........Could not reach the printer
- (ExtIO could not be initialized)
- 37 RXERR_CRTPORT............Could not reach the printer
- (Could not open message port)
- 38 RXERR_NOMEM..............No more RAM available
- 39 RXERR_NORELOAD...........Reloading the address file went wrong
- 40 RXERR_NOWRITELOCK........could not get write access to the
- address file
- 41 RXERR_NODIR..............Could not locate the needed drawer
- 42 RXERR_NOFILE.............Could not find the address file
- 43 RXERR_APPENDFAILED.......Appending an address file went wrong
- 44 RXERR_ENVCHANGED.........Execution of the current AREXX command
- has been canceled, as the environment changed
- (e.g. new address file)
- 45 RXERR_NOEXTERNAL.........Trying to access the external file had no success
- 46 RXERR_NOSERIALDEV........Could not open serial device
- 47 RXERR_NOPHONENUM.........Current address doesn't have a phone number
- 48 RXERR_SERNOCARRIER.......Phone: No Carrier
- 49 RXERR_SERNODIALTONE......Phone: No dialtone
- 50 RXERR_SERRING............Phone: Ring
- 51 RXERR_SERBUSY............Phone: Line is busy
- 52 RXERR_SEROK..............Phone: Modem sent 'Ok'
- 53 RXERR_SERERROR...........Phone: Modem recognized an error
- 54 RXERR_SERCONNECT.........Phone: Data connect
- 55 RXERR_SERVOICE...........Phone: Voice connect
- 56 RXERR_SERUNKNOWN.........Error caused by the serial device
- 57 RXERR_OPNPRFS............The preferences file could not be
- opened
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) cf. AREXX User's Reference Manual, William S. Hawes, P.O. Box 308,
- Maynard, MA 01754
- The DFA-Editor program
- **********************
- The *DFA-Editor* is the graphical user interface of *DFA*.
- It can be started seperately or may be invoked (by the hotkey for
- example) out of the *DFA-Server*.
- Tooltypes
- =========
- If you click once on the *DFA-Editor* icon and then activate the
- Information program of the Workbench, you may adjust the following
- tooltypes:
- If you enter the *name* of a public screen together with this
- tooltype, you may select an alternate (public) screen for the
- *DFA-Editor* to open on.
- For example:
- If the given public screen exists when the *DFA-Editor* comes up,
- it opens its window(s) on this screen, otherwise on the default
- public screen, usually the Workbench screen.
- If you enter `UPPERPUBSCREEN=YES', you tell the *DFA-Editor* to
- open its window(s) on the frontmost *public* screen. If the
- current frontmost screen isn't public, the *DFA-Editor* comes up
- on the screen you selected with the tooltype `PUBSCREEN'; if this
- fails as well, the *DFA-Editor* opens its window(s) on the default
- public screen.
- To make the online help work, the *DFA-Editor* has to know where
- to find the online help file. This can be done via the tooltype
- `GUIDEFILE'. This tooltype is usually already set by the install
- program.
- * *`DFAPREFS'*
- As the *DFA-Preferences* program can be started directly out of
- the *DFA-Editor*, the *DFA-Editor* has to know where to find the
- *DFA-Preferences* program. The complete path name must be given
- with the tooltype `DFAPREFS' and is already set by the install
- program usually.
- CLI Parameter
- =============
- If you start the *DFA-Editor* from the shell (or the CLI), it uses the
- *tooltypes* of the corresponding `.info' file! However, you may
- overwrite these settings by giving one or more of the following CLI
- parameters:
- This means, you may use...
- ... `DFAEditor PUBSCREEN=TERM' to make the *DFA-Editor* open its
- window(s) on the public screen named `TERM'.
- ... `DFAEditor UPPERPUBSCREEN=YES' to make the *DFA-Editor* open its
- window(s) on the frontmost screen, as long as this is a public
- screen.
- ... `DFAEditor GUIDEFILE=Help:DFAEditor.guide' to set another path
- for the online help file.
- ... `DFAEditor DFAPREFS=C:DFAPrefs' to set another path for the call
- of the *DFA-Preferences* program.
- The Main Window
- ===============
- The main window of the *DFA-Editor* can be resized using the sizing
- gadget on the lower right corner of the window. The window contents
- automatically adapts to the new window dimensions.
- As the main window is a socalled application window, you may drag the
- icon of an address file on this window and drop it to let the
- *DFA-Editor* load the corresponding address file.
- The main window of the *DFA-Editor* gives you the following
- possibilities:
- * *The address listview*
- The address listview displays the stored addresses that are
- available as soon as you entered some (more details about this
- subject later on). You can control this listview completely by
- mouse or by keyboard:
- Cursor down The next address becomes the current one.
- SHIFT+Cursor down The list scrolls *up* by one page.
- CRTL+Cursor down The last address becomes the current one.
- Cursor up The previous address becomes the current one.
- SHIFT+Cursor up The list scrolls *down* by one page.
- CRTL+Cursor up The first address becomes the current one.
- The current entry is selected.
- SPACE To make this state visible, the current entry
- is leaded by a `>' character.
- RETURN Activates the `Full' window, as long as
- there is an active address item.
- SHIFT+RETURN Activates the `Edit' window, as long as
- there is an active address item.
- SHIFT+SPACE Set the start of the block or the end of the
- block respectively
- RSHIFT+[a-z] *Quick--Search:*
- Right-Shift together with a letter activate
- the first address starting with this letter
- You may select entries of the address list with `Shift Left
- Mousebutton' or `Middle Mousebutton Left Mousebutton' (3-Button
- mouse needed); alternatively you may hit `SPACE' on the keyboard.
- If you hit `RETURN', it has the same effect as if you had selected
- the `Full' button: The current address is displayed in another
- window in further detail (please see EditorFull for details).
- Synonymously you may hit `SHIFT RETURN' to envoce the `Edit'
- window (see EditorEdit).
- `SHIFT SPACE' sets the start and end of the block. After the
- block end is set, the selection state of all items between start
- end end of the block is toggled, i.e. the selected addresses
- become deselected and vice versa. The same result can be reached
- if you use the left mouse button together with the `SHIFT'
- qualifier.
- The *Quick Search* function gives you a mean to navigate to the
- near of the desired address quickly. *DFA* always looks for the
- 1st sort criteria; therefore, your address must be sorted to make
- the *Quick Search* function work correctly.
- Please notice that you may change the fields of the addresses that
- are displayed in the address listview using the *DFA-Preferences*
- program.
- * *The Panel Listview*
- Below the address listview you find another listview. It is used to
- display some more fields of the current address item. If you use
- the default settings, you'll see the phone number, the three email
- addresses and the comment. However, by using the *DFA-Preferences*
- program you may change the contents of these lines!
- As this listview doesn't have a title and for this reason no
- shortcut either, you may scroll it using the following keys:
- ALT+Cursor down The list scrolls *up* by one line.
- ALT+Cursor up The list scrolls *down* by one line.
- Of course, the list can only be scrolled if there is 1st an active
- entry and 2nd more lines to display than visible at the same time.
- The contents of this listview can be configured in quite a wide
- range (see *DFA-Preferences*: Panel Listview, for details).
- * *Selection of Addresses*
- Just below the the address listview, there are four buttons that
- may be used to change the selection of the displayed addresses:
- * *All*
- Selects all displayed addresses.
- * *By name*
- A window is opened in which you may enter a search pattern
- (case insensitive!). After you hit `Ok' (or `RETURN') all
- entries of the address list are selected that match the
- pattern. The difference to the `Search' function is that 1st
- you can't toggle case sensitivity and 2nd all address fields
- are searched through. Furthermore, all matching items are
- *marked*, and the first matching item is activated. A
- detailed description of the allowed search patterns can be
- found in EditorSearch.
- * *Clear*
- All selected addresses are deselected.
- * *Jump to*
- The next selected entry becomes the current one, as long as
- there is at least one selected entry left.
- * *AREXX Scripts*
- In addition to the possibility to reach the AREXX scripts by the
- menu items (EditorMenuArexxCommands), you may also reach them by
- the function keys `f1' to `f10' or `SHIFT F1' to `SHIFT F10'
- respectively.
- At the lower end of the main window of the *DFA-Editor* you can find
- the gadgets `Quit' and `Remove'.
- If you hit `Quit', the *DFA-Editor* is terminated! The *DFA-Server*, if
- it is currently running, is not ended however, so you can still reach
- the *DFA-Editor* by a doubleclick on the application icon and/or the
- hotkey (default: `Left Amiga F5')
- If you select `Remove', not only the *DFA-Editor* is ended, but also
- any currently running *DFA-Server*.
- If you terminate the *DFA-Editor* using `Quit' or `Remove', the
- addresses are saved if they had been modified before. This behaviour
- can be customized in the *DFA-Preferences* however.
- Tool Gadgets
- ============
- It is possible reach the so called tool gadgets from the *DFA-Editor*.
- Using these gadgets, you can easily reach the following functions :
- * *Full*
- Shows the current entry in another window in great detail; see
- EditorFull for details.
- * *Edit*
- If you hit `Edit', you may change the current entry. If there is
- no current address, this button is "ghosted" and can't be selected
- (cf. EditorEdit).
- * *New*
- If you select `New', you may enter a *new* address. The functions
- within this window are nearly the same as within the `Edit'
- window; see EditorNew for details.
- * *Kill*
- Kill can either be used to delete the current entry (if there is
- one) or all marked entries. To make sure that nobody deletes
- precious addresses, a safety requester pops up!
- * *Search*
- Another window pops up in which you may enter a search string, as
- well as some other search related settings (cf. EditorSearch).
- * *Search Next*
- `Search Next' can be selected only if there has been given a
- search pattern previously using the `Search' function. If this is
- the case, the next matching entry is displayed (not marked!).
- * *Print*
- After you have selected `Print', another window pops up which
- gives you several ways to print your addresses, as it is described
- in EditorPrint.
- * *Sort*
- `Sort' sorts the complete address list. As long as you use the
- default setting, the list is sorted by name, first name and city
- (in this order). If you prefer another sort order, you may change
- it in the *DFA-Preferences*.
- * *Dial*
- Another window pops up, which allows you to dial phone numbers (cf.
- EditorDial).
- Please notice that there is a corresponding menu item for every tool
- gadget. All functions can, therefore, be reached by keyboard shortcuts
- as well!
- The Menu Items
- ==============
- About
- -----
- The `About' window gives you some useful information about the program
- and the author:
- * The version number and a corresponding remark, if you got a
- registered version.
- * The copyright notice and the author's address (incl. email
- addresses).
- * Your name and your address, as well as the serial number of the
- program, if you are a registered user.
- Info
- ----
- The window which pops up as soon as you select the `Info' menu item,
- gives you some useful information:
- * *Arexx Port*
- In this field you can look up the name of `DFA''s AREXX port.
- Usually this is `DFA'. However, you can change the portname by
- changing the `PORTNAME' tooltype (of the *DFA* server program!)
- If you have already started a program that uses the portname
- `DFA', `DFA' adapts the portname by appending "numbers" (e.g.
- `DFA.1', `DFA.2',...) until a clear portname is found.
- * *Addresses*
- The number of the currently loaded address is displayed here. The
- first number (`d' means displayed) is the number of actually
- displayed entries, the second number (`a' means available) is the
- number of addresses available.
- * *Memory Condition*
- The three fields give a detailed report about the current memory
- condition.
- New file
- --------
- If you want to create a *new*, i.e. *empty* address file, you use this
- menu item. A new address file named unnamed.dfa is created. You may use
- the `Save as...' menu item to save this address file under another name.
- *Be careful:*
- Please, never use `Save as default' after you created a new file to
- save it, as the new address file (the empty one!) would overwrite your
- old "default" address file, which means that the old addresses would
- have been lost!
- Open
- ----
- Use `Open' to load another address file. The currently loaded addresses
- are not kept in memory but replaced by the loaded! After you selected
- `Load', a file requester pops up, which lets you enter the address
- file. Notice that only files with the proper format can be loaded --
- files that have been created by *DFA* before! Files with the wrong
- format can't be loaded by `DFA' and the addresses in RAM are kept
- unchanged!
- Append
- ------
- `Append' allows you to append further addresses to the existing ones.
- The addresses in RAM are *not* deleted before. Be careful! If you
- append two identical address lists, every entry will appear twice,
- which is usually not desired.
- It is possible to set the group selection for the addresses that are to
- be appended in the little window that appears after you selected
- `Append'. These group selection flags are set to all addresses that
- shall be loaded!
- Please notice that existing group flags of addresses in the file to
- append are *not* erased! This means that you may only add new group
- flags to the addresses but not unset existing ones!
- `Ok' accepts the set group selection and appends the selected address
- file; `Cancel' not only cancels the group selection, but the complete
- appending procedure, i.e. no addresses are appended!
- Save
- ----
- `Save' saves the addresses with the current name. The current name is
- either the one you entered in the preferences (default:
- `DFA:Addressfiles/Default.dfa') or the one you selected before when
- loading an address file.
- Save as...
- ----------
- `Save as' saves the address as well. However, you are able to select a
- filename before (a file requester pops up). This may be useful if you
- have several address files for different purposes, or you've created a
- new address file just before (cf. EditorMenuNewFile) and want to enter
- a new name for your address file.
- Save as default
- ---------------
- The addresses will be saved with the name specified in the preferences
- (default: `s:adr.file'), if you select `Save as default', even if you
- loaded a file with another name before.
- *Be careful:*
- If you have loaded an address file with other than the default name
- before (or you've created a new address file), you should not use
- `Save as default', as the current address file would overwrite the
- default address file.
- Quit
- ----
- `Quit' ends the *DFA-Editor*! The *DFA-Server*, if it is currently
- running, is not ended, so the *DFA-Editor* still can be reached by a
- double click on the application icon or by the hotkey (Default: `Left
- Amiga F5').
- Remove
- ------
- Select `Remove' to end not only the *DFA-Editor* but a currently running
- *DFA-Server* as well.
- If you end the *DFA-Editor* using `Quit' or `Remove DFA', the addresses
- are saved if they have been modified. This behaviour can be customized
- in the *DFA-Preferences* program however.
- Full
- ----
- Shows the current entry in a separate window. *All* fields of the
- address are displayed here; See EditorFull.
- Edit
- ----
- Using `Edit' gives you the chance to change the current address item,
- if there is one. If there is no current entry, the corresponding button
- is "ghosted" and can't be selected (see EditorEdit).
- New
- ---
- Select `New' to enter a *new* address. The functions inside of this
- window are exactly the same as within the `Edit' window; see EditorNew
- for details.
- Kill
- ----
- Use `Kill' to delete either the current entry (if there is one) or all
- marked addresses. To make sure that nobody deletes precious addresses,
- a savety requester pops up.
- Copy to Clipboard
- -----------------
- This function makes it possible to copy the *current* address to the
- clipboard (unit 0).
- Every other program that supplies clipboard support, can access these
- data.
- Set and Unset Groups
- --------------------
- After you have selected this menu item, another window pops up that
- allows you to change the group flags of one, several or all addresses
- fast and comfortably.
- Any of the 8 cycle gadgets takes effect to the corresponding group
- flag. You may either keep, set or clear each flag.
- Please notice that these actions take effect only to the active
- addresses, i.e. the addresses that can be seen within the main address
- listview.
- Hit `Active' to change the current address (if there exists one),
- `Marked' to change all marked addresses and `All' to (un)set the group
- flags of all (visible) addresses.
- Search
- ------
- Another window pops up that allows you to enter several search criteria
- (cf. EditorSearch):
- Search Next
- -----------
- `Search Next' can be selected only, if there has been given a search
- pattern previously using the `Search' function. If this is the case,
- the next matching entry is displayed (not marked!).
- Print
- -----
- After you have selected `Print', another window pops up, which gives
- you several ways to print your addresses, as it is described in
- EditorPrint.
- Sort
- ----
- `Sort' sorts the complete address list. As long as you use the default
- setting, the list is sorted by name, first name and city (in this
- order). If you prefer another sort order, you may change it in the
- *DFA-Preferences*.
- Dial
- ----
- Another window pops up, which allows you to dial phone numbers (cf.
- EditorDial).
- Select Groups
- -------------
- This menu item has the two submenus `All' and `None'; accordingly all
- group flags are either selected or deselected.
- Preferences
- -----------
- The *DFA-Preferences* program is loaded. Please notice that the
- tooltype `DFAPREFS' of the *DFA-Editor* has to be set correctly to
- enable the *DFA-Editor* to find the *DFA-Preferences* program! This has
- usually already been done by the install program.
- Edit Template
- -------------
- The window that pops up will be quite familiar to you, as it is exactly
- the same as in EditorEdit or EditorNew. You may enter several *presets*
- here, which are automatically copied into the corresponding fields, just
- before you enter a *new* address. The template strings are saved in the
- address file, so it is possible to have different templates for every
- address file.
- Use Template Script
- -------------------
- This toggle menu switches the usage of the template script on or off.
- As soon as the Template script is *not* used, the usual template
- address will be used (see EditorMenuEditTemplate.
- Use PostProcess Script
- ----------------------
- This toggle menu item switches the usage of the postprocess on or off.
- As soon as the postprocess script is used, the AREXX script that may be
- selected from within the *DFA-Preferences*, will be executed after the
- input of a new address.
- Dieses Umschalt-Menü schaltet die Nutzung des
- Nachbearbeitungs-Arexx-Skripts ein oder aus. Sobald das
- Nachbearbeitungs-Skript benutzt wird, wird nach der Eingabe einer neuen
- Adresse das in den *DFA-Preferences* eingestellte AREXX-Skript
- ausgeführt.
- Write Access
- ------------
- This menu item can only be selected if you have activated the network
- mode before.
- Starting with version 2.0, *DFA* supplies a simple network mode. This
- network mode has been developed to make it possible for several
- connected computers to use the same address file. The problem that
- comes up, when an address file is used by more than one user at the
- same time is the following:
- If several users change the address file at the same time, the last
- saved address file overwrites the previously saved ones. The previously
- saved changes are lost!
- *DFA* tries to solve this problem in the following way:
- If the network mode is active, all operations that change the address
- database are forbidden, i.e. saving, changing, marking of addresses is
- not possible. It is allowed however, to view the addresses (`Full'), to
- scroll within the address list, to print the addresses and so on.
- If you want to do some changes on the addresses, you have to obtain
- write access to the address file. This can be done using the AREXX
- command `ATTEMPTLOCK' or by selecting the menu item `Write Access' in
- the *DFA-Editor*.
- If your try to get write access was successful, you may change the
- addresses. If you've completed your changes, you should free the write
- access using either the AREXX command `FREELOCK' or the menu item
- `Write Access' in the *DFA-Editor*. After you have done so, other
- members of the LAN can get write access to this address file.
- Instead of getting permanent write access, the *DFA-Editor* supplies
- the socalled "auto lock mode". This mode is activated automatically, as
- soon as you've switched on the network mode. If you want to change
- anything, the *DFA-Editor* tries to get write access to the address
- file automatically and releases the write access as soon as the change
- is done.
- Load Preferences
- ----------------
- Select this menu item, if you want to load another preferences file.
- Using this feature of *DFA* makes it possible to use different settings
- for different purposes, i.e. for different address files.
- Save Preferences
- ----------------
- As the window coordinates and several other settings of the
- *DFA-Editor* are saved together with the preferences that can be tuned
- in the *DFA-Preferences* program, there is the opportunity to save the
- preferences not only from within the *DFA-Preferences* program, but
- from the *DFA-Editor* as well using this menu item.
- Save Preferences as
- -------------------
- If you want to save the settings with another name than the default
- (this makes sense, if you use different preferences files), select this
- menu item. A file requester pops up and you may select the wanted file
- name.
- Arexx Commands
- --------------
- All AREXX scripts can be reached not only by the functions keys, but by
- these menu items as well.
- Sorting of the Address Display
- ------------------------------
- Using one of these menu items, it is possible to sort the address
- display of the *DFA-Editor*. Depending on which menu item you select
- (`Salutation', `Name', etc.), the addresses are sorted in the desired
- way.
- This sorting has only effect to the displayed addresses and is *not*
- permanet, i.e. the sorting refers to the display of the addresses only,
- and *not* to the internal managment of the addresses! Because of this,
- the original order of the addresses is restored, as soon as you change
- the group selection, for example; the addresses are saved in the
- original order as well.
- Someone may ask now by himself, what sense a sort function make that
- has an effect only for quite a short time. But wouldn't it be nice to
- sort the addresses by their `ZIP' on demand, just to look which people
- live near to each other. Or sort the display by the city and you have
- all addresses of a specified town listed one beyond the other.
- On the long run, such a sorting doesn't make much sense. Therefore, to
- sort the addresses permanently, the usual sort function in connection
- to the *DA-Preferences* programm has to be used.
- *Please notice:*
- If you've just sorted your *display*, the `Quick Search' function
- (`RSHIFT <letter>') cannot work correctly! In this case, restore the
- original sort order; either by changing the group selection or by
- selecting the "normal" sort function.
- Full
- ====
- `Full' can only be selected if there is a current address! If this is
- the case, another window pops up (title: `Full address...'), which
- displays *all* fields of the current address.
- If there is an external file for the current address, you may select
- the `View external' button to start the ASCII viewer together with the
- corresponding external file.
- Please notice that the ASCII viewer of your choice may be entered in
- the *DFA-Preferences* program (cf. EditorEdit).
- The listview that displays the different fields of the current address
- may be scrolled as follows:
- Cursor down The listview scrolls *up*.
- Cursor up The listview scrolls *down*.
- Below this listview there is a gadget panel that may be used to step
- through the addresses:
- * *First*
- The first entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
- underlined letter you may alternatively use `CRTL + Cursor Left'
- as the corresponding gadget shortcut.
- * *Last*
- The last entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
- underlined letter you may alternatively use `CRTL + Cursor Right'
- as the corresponding gadget shortcut.
- * *Prev. Sel.*
- If there is a selected item in front of the current one, it is
- displayed. Besides the underlined letter you may alternatively use
- `SHIFT + Cursor Left' as the corresponding gadget shortcut.
- * *Next Sel.*
- If there is a selected item behind of the current one, it is
- displayed. Besides the underlined letter, you may alternatively use
- `SHIFT + Cursor Right' as the corresponding gadget shortcut.
- * *Prev.*
- The previous entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
- underlined letter, you may alternatively use `Cursor Left' as the
- corresponding gadget shortcut.
- * *Next*
- The next entry of the address list is displayed. Besides the
- underlined letter, you may alternatively use `Cursor Left' as the
- corresponding gadget shortcut.
- `Ok' closes the window, `Edit' opens the `Edit' window. The `Edit'
- window is described in further detail in EditorEdit.
- Edit
- ====
- If a current address exists (cf. EditorFull), a window pops up, where
- you may change any part of the address. The string gadgets have some
- additional features compared to the "original" ones:
- - Hit `RETURN' to end the input to the current gadget and go to the
- next string or integer gadget. You may use the `ENTER' key
- alternatively.
- - Hit `SHIFT' `RETURN' to end the input to the current gadget and go
- to the *previous* gadget.
- - Hitting `CURSOR UP' or `CURSOR DOWN' brings the cursor to the
- previous or next string gadget respectively.
- - Hit `ESCAPE' to cancel the input into the current string gadget.
- - If the cursor is within a string gadget, the gadget shortcuts can
- be reached by hitting `RIGHT AMIGA'-`letter' and `SHIFT'. If you
- don't hit `SHIFT' additionally, the keyboard shortcut is used
- either by the internal string gadget edit features (like `RIGHT
- AMIGA X' or `RIGHT AMIGA Q') or by additional tools (like
- `NewList').
- As soon as *no* string gadget is activated, you may move through the
- address list using the cursor keys:
- Cursor right Show next address
- Cursor left Show previous address
- SHIFT+Cursor right Show next selected address
- SHIFT+Cursor left Show previous selected address
- CRTL+Cursor right Show last address
- CRTL+Cursor left Show first address
- The `Edit' fields are:
- Address Address
- First First name
- Name Name
- c/o may be used for additional information
- Street Street/No.
- Zip Zip
- City City
- State State
- Country Country
- Birthday Birthday
- Phone Telphone number. Seperate multiple phone numbers
- by a pipe sign (`|').
- Fax Telefax number
- Email1 email address # 1
- Email2 email address # 2
- Email3 email address # 3
- Comment Comment
- Please notice that it is possible to enter more than one phone number
- into the `Phone' field. These numbers can be dialed correctly as well,
- as long as you separate them by a pipe sign (`|').
- Using the `Address selected' checkbox you may set (or unset) the
- selection state of the current address.
- If you hit `External' you activate the ASCII-Editor (default: `ed').
- This makes sense if you want to enter a long text (for example: How to
- find the way to Joe User, living in New York City). When you have
- finished your input, save the file with the *given name* and quit the
- editor. The *DFA-Editor* remembers the file name, so it is then
- possible to access this external file e.g. from the `Full' window (cf.
- EditorFull) or from the `Edit' window to modify it.
- As soon as there is an external file for the current address item, the
- `Del.' button can be used to delete an external file as soon as you no
- longer need it.
- All external files get their unique file name from *DFA*. This file
- name is guaranteed to be *unique* within the given directory (default:
- `s:DFAExternals'). *DFA* only saves the filename -- not the file
- itself, so this is completely up to you. Please do not change the
- filename given by *DFA*, as if you do so, *DFA* will no longer be able
- to find this file! If you want to delete one (or more) external files,
- you have to use the `Del.' function of this window. This is the only
- way to make sure that not only the file itself is deleted, but the
- filename, which is stored by *DFA* as well!
- You may set your favourite ASCII editor, as well as the wanted
- directory for the external files, in the *DFA-Preferences* program.
- Hit `Ok' to use the changes; if you select `Cancel' instead, all
- changes are discarded.
- New
- ===
- `New' opens a window that looks exactly like the `Edit' window! Nearly
- all functions within this window are the same as in the `Edit' window
- (see EditorEdit for details), with the following exceptions:
- * *Using the usual template address*
- As soon as you disabled the using of the template script (see
- EditorMenuUseTemplate), the usual template address is used, i.e.
- all data you entered using `Edit Template' (cf.
- EditorMenuEditTemplate), are copied into the new address fields
- just before you can start entering new data.
- * *Using the template AREXX script*
- If you switch on the usage of the template AREXX script (see
- EditorMenuUseTemplate), the template address will no longer be
- used. Instead you may set the templates by an AREXX script, using
- the AREXX command `EDITTEMPLATE' for example.
- The advantage you can get out of this feature is that it is
- possible now to enter non-constant data into the address fields
- automatically. For example you could write a script that enters
- the current date into the comment field of the new address.
- One important note:
- Usually, the AREXX command `EDITTEMPLATE' does nothing but to
- change the fields of the template address. In connection with the
- `New' command of the *DFA-Editor*, however, this AREXX command can
- be seen to be "local", i.e. the changes you are doing in this AREXX
- script are valid for the currently new address only! After you've
- entered the address, the usual template address is restored.
- In every other context, the changes you do using the `EDITTEMPLATE'
- AREXX command, stay permanent!
- Not all AREXX commands can be used within this AREXX script, due
- to the conflicts this could lead to (e.g. the AREXX command
- `EDIT').
- If you are not sure, if the usage of an AREXX command is possible
- -- just try it out.
- * *The Postprocess AREXX Script*
- If you have activated the postprocess script (either by selecting
- the corresponing menu item or by the *DFAPrefs* program), this
- AREXX script will be executed. It is possible for example, to send
- and automaticly generated eMail to every new entry with an email
- address.
- To write your own template or postprocess script it is useful, to
- know how the `New' function of *DFA* works.
- 1. If you want to use the template script, the template address
- (see EditorMenuEditTemplate) is stored.
- 2. The template script is executed (if selected). Please notice
- that the new address still doesn't exist, so the AREXX command
- `GETCURRENT' e.g. can't return it.
- 3. A new address is created using the data of the template
- address. This template address could have been changed by the
- AREXX command `EDITOTEMPLATE' out of the template script.
- 4. The `Edit'-Window is opened - the new address can be entered.
- 5. As soon as you finished entering the address data, the
- formerly stored template address is restored (if needed).
- 6. The postprocess script is executed. Please notice that the
- `EDITTEMPLATE' command works *no longer* local here!
- Furthermore the `GETCURRENT' command does return the just
- entered new address.
- * *Next New*
- Using the `Next New' button, you may finish the input of the
- current address and start to enter another one, *without* having
- to leave the window.
- Search
- ======
- You may enter several search criteria in this window.
- * *Search for*
- Here you may enter the search pattern. You must use the known
- *AMIGA* patterns. You need to enter a `#?' or a `*' infront of
- and behind the search string either if you want to look for
- partial strings! This means, you have to input
- `#?PartialString#?' instead of `PartialString'. Let's say you want
- to search for first names that start with `Mi', you have to enter
- `Mi#?'. If you want to look for cities that end in `town', you
- have to enter `#?town'.
- The following patterns are supported:
- ?
- The question mark matches any single character. For example,
- the pattern matching string `A?B' matches any string that is
- three letters long, that starts with an `A' and ends with a
- `B'.
- #
- The number sign matches strings containing zero or more
- repetitions of the expression that immediately follows the
- `#' in the pattern matching string. For example, the pattern
- matching string `#A' matches any string that consists of one
- or more of the `A' character. The pattern matching string
- `#?' matches any non-NULL string. The `#' can apply to
- entire substrings delimited by parentheses. For example, the
- pattern string `#(AB)' matches any string consisting of one
- or more repetitions of the substring `AB' (`AB', `ABAB',
- `ABABAB',...).
- %
- Matches the NULL string.
- |
- This is the OR symbol. This matches strings that contain the
- expressions on either side of the OR sign. The expressions
- and the OR symbol need to be enclosed in parentheses. For
- example, the pattern matching string `(A|B)' matches the
- string `A' or the string `B'. The pattern matching string
- `A(B|%|C)' matches the strings `AB', `A', and `AC'.
- ~
- The tilde negates the expression that follows it. All
- strings that do not match the expression that follows the
- tilde will match the expression with the tilde. For example,
- the pattern matching string `~(#?.info)' matches any string
- that does not match the string `#?.info' (does not end with
- the substring `.info').
- *
- The star is provided as a synonym to `#?'.
- [ ]
- All characters within brackets indicate a character class.
- Any character in the character class qualifies. Within a
- character class, a character range can be indicated by
- specifing the start and stop character, separated with a
- minus sign. Note that character classes are case sensitive.
- If character classes are to be used in a case insensitive
- form, they should be translated to uppercase. Here are some
- examples:
- [ACF]#?
- matches strings starting with `A', `C', or `F'
- [A-D]#?
- matches strings starting with `A', `B', `C' or `D'
- [~ACF]#?
- matches strings *not* starting with `A', `C' or `F'
- '
- The quote character neutralizes the special meaning of a
- special character. Here are some examples:
- '#'?
- matches only the literal string `#?'
- '?(A|B|C|%)'# matches the literal strings `?#', `?A#',
- `?B#', `?C#'
- "
- The quote itself
- ( )
- Parentheses group special characters. The expression within
- the parentheses is a subpattern.
- * *Ignore case*
- If the box is "checked", the search will not be case sensitive. If
- the box is empty, however, case will be noticed.
- * *Use Wildcards*
- If you select this checkbox, you may even use *AmigaDOS* patterns
- for the search string (default).
- * *All*
- Select all fields.
- * *None*
- Unselects all fields.
- * *Fields to search*
- You may select which fields you would like to search. It is
- possible to toggle each single field. The default is to search all
- fields.
- * *Search*
- `Search' starts the search. If a matching item is found, the
- address listview scrolls to the corresponding place and the
- matching entry becomes the current one.
- * *Cancel*
- `Cancel' terminates the search.
- Print
- =====
- This window contains all functions that may be used to print the
- addresses.
- * *Print*
- You can choose between all (`All'), the marked (`Selected') and
- the active address (`Active'). If there is an active item, it
- will be shown in the `Active Item' field.
- * *Print to*
- You can either print to the printer (`PRT:') or to a file
- (`File'). If you print your addresses to a file, the settings
- below don't take effect. Notice that always all parts of an address
- are written to the file!
- * *Print style*
- You may choose, whether the addresses are to be printed in `NLQ' or
- `Condensed' style (or both).
- If you select `Formfeed', a formfeed is performed after the very
- *last* printed address entry. To switch this off will be useful,
- if you want to print a few address labels only and you don't want
- to waste these sheets.
- * *Print form*
- There are five different forms, between which you may choose:
- - Short address list
- - Full address list
- - Phonelist (fixed columns)
- - Mailing labels (70mm x 36mm)
- - Address cards
- * *Print*
- If you did select `File' for output, a file requester will be
- opened, which allows you to enter the filename. Be careful! This
- output file is *not* compatible to the internal address file
- format (default: `s:adr.file'); so don't overwrite this (these)
- file(s). To write the addresses to a file may be useful if you
- want to export addresses, but don't wan't to use AREXX.
- If you send your addresses to the printer (`PRT:'), another window
- is opened that displays the progress of printing. You may stop the
- output after every complete address (`Cancel'). If only the active
- item is printed, no progress indicator is shown.
- * *Cancel*
- `Cancel' terminates the complete printing process.
- *Please notice:*
- Of course, *DFA*'s abilities to print are a bit limited, and it can't
- compete with the abilities of a DTP program. I think, however, that it
- does make much more sense to let programs print your addresses that are
- specialized in printing. Such programs give you much more features and
- often result in a much better printing quality than an address utility
- could ever reach. So *DFA* should be used to supply the stored
- addresses to (spezialized) printing programs and not not print the
- addresses by itself. An ideal mean for this purpose is the AREXX port
- for sure, which is not only part of *DFA*, but of many printing
- programs as well.
- Even if your favourite printing program doesn't have an AREXX port, you
- may use *DFA*'s AREXX interface to export and format the address, so
- other programs can easily use them.
- Dial
- ====
- *For owners of modems only!*
- If you have a modem connected to your computer, it is possible to let
- the computer dial the stored phone number(s). If you have entered more
- than one number into the phone field, they must be seperated by a
- `pipe' sign (`|'). When you start dialing a status window pops up. You
- may either dial the current address or all selected addresses.
- You can cancel the dialing at any time (`Cancel') or skip the current
- number (`Skip').
- To be able to let the computer dial phone numbers, it is needed that
- you connected your modem to the socket and your phone to the modem.
- After *DFA* has successfully dialed the number, you have to transfer
- the connection from the modem to the phone; hit `Cancel' to do so.
- If the line is just busy, *DFA* redials until it succeeds or the
- maximum number of phone calls is reached.
- The modem settings can be changed in the `DFA-Preferences' program.
- The DFA-Preferences Program
- ***************************
- The *DFA-Preferences* program (filename: `DFAPrefs') may be used to
- configure *DFA*. It can be started from the *DFA-Editor* (menu item
- `Settings->Preferences') as well as directly from the Workbench or the
- Shell.
- Tool Types
- ==========
- If you click on the *DFA-Editor* icon once and then activate the
- Information program of the Workbench, you may adjust the following
- tooltypes:
- If you enter the *name* of a public screen together with this
- tooltype, you may select an alternate (public) screen for the
- *DFA-Preferences* program to open on.
- For example:
- If the given public screen exists when the *DFA-Preferences*
- program comes up, it opens its window(s) on this screen, otherwise
- on the default public screen, usually the Workbench screen.
- If you enter `UPPERPUBSCREEN=YES', you tell the *DFA-Prefs*
- program to open its window(s) on the frontmost *public* screen. If
- the current frontmost screen isn't public, the *DFA-Preferences*
- program comes up on the screen you selected with the tooltype
- `PUBSCREEN'; if this fails as well, the *DFA-Preferences* program
- opens its window(s) on the default public screen.
- To make the online help work, the *DFA-Preferences* program has to
- know where to find the online help file. This can be done via the
- tooltype `GUIDEFILE'. The default for this Tool Type is set by the
- install program.
- CLI-Parameter
- =============
- If you start the *DFA-Preferences* program from the shell (or the CLI),
- it uses the *tooltypes* of the corresponding `.info' file! However, you
- may overwrite these setting by giving one or more of the following CLI
- parameters:
- This means, you may use...
- ... `DFAPrefs PUBSCREEN=TERM' to make the *DFA-Preferences* program
- open its window(s) on the public screen named `TERM'.
- ... `DFAPrefs UPPERPUBSCREEN=YES' to make the *DFA-Preferences*
- program open its window(s) on the frontmost screen, as long as
- this is a public screen.
- ... `DFAPrefs GUIDEFILE=Help:DFAPrefs.guide' to set another path for
- the online help file.
- The DFA-Preferences Main Window
- ===============================
- From the main window you can reach all subwindows. You may either open
- one subwindow at a time or several subwindows at the same time.
- Please notice that all settings that you confirm using `Ok' become
- active at once and stay active until you change them again or leave
- *DFA*.
- Save Preferences
- ----------------
- Saves the preferences.
- Use Preferences
- ---------------
- Saves the preferences temporarily to `ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs', i.e. the
- preferences stay active until you reboot the computer.
- Remove DFA
- ----------
- Removes a running *DFA* application, i.e. the *DFA-Server* *and* the
- *DFA-Editor* will be terminated, if they are currently running.
- Quit Preferences
- ----------------
- Quits the *DFA-Preferences* program.
- About
- -----
- In the `About' window you'll find something useful about the program
- itself and the author:
- * the version number as well as a notice, if you are a registered
- user.
- * The copyright notice and the address of the author (incl. email
- address(es)).
- * Your name, address and the serial number if you are a registered
- user.
- Open Preferences
- ----------------
- A file requester pops up and you may select another than the default
- preferences file. After loading the preferences file, all open windows
- are updated to the new settings.
- Save Preferences
- ----------------
- See See PrefsMainSave.
- Save Preferences as
- -------------------
- A file requester pops up and you may enter the name under which you want
- to save the current settings.
- Use
- ---
- See See PrefsMainUse.
- Remove DFA
- ----------
- See See PrefsMainRemove.
- Quit Preferences
- ----------------
- See See PrefsMainQuit.
- Reset To Defaults
- -----------------
- All values are reset to the builtin default values.
- Last Saved
- ----------
- The preferences are reset to the vaules last saved in in
- `ENVARC:DFA/DFA.prefs'.
- Restore
- -------
- The preferences are reset to the vaules last saved in in
- `ENV:DFA/DFA.prefs'.
- Miscelleneous
- =============
- Application Icon
- ----------------
- The string gadgets `XPos' and `YPos' make it possible to enter the
- application icon's position on the Workbench screen (referring to
- the upper left corner of the screen)
- Alternatively to this direct input of raw coordinates there is a
- more convenient possibility to change the application icon's
- position:
- As soon as you click (once) on the cycle gadget `Open position
- window', a small window (title: `Move me') is opened. This window
- can be moved (using the mouse) on the Workbench. As soon as the
- position fits your wishes you should click on the gadget `Close
- position window' (the same gadget as before, just with another
- text in it). The `Move Me' window is closed and the new icon
- position is displayed in the `XPos' and `YPos' gadgets.
- Using the checkbox gadget `Show', you can switch the application
- icon on and off.
- Application Menu
- ----------------
- It is possible to reach the *DFA-Editor* via an menu item of the
- Workbench's "Tools" menu while the *DFA-Server* is running. To enable
- the menu item, switch this checkbox on.
- Auto Save
- ---------
- There are several ways to make sure that your addresses are saved
- regularly:
- * *Save always*
- If you have changed some addresses using the *DFA-Editor*, the
- address file is saved as soon as you leave the *DFA-Editor* -- no
- matter if using `Quit' or `Remove'.
- * *Ask*
- If the addresses have been changed, a requester pops up as soon as
- you want to leave the *DFA-Editor*, which asks you if you would
- like to save the addresses.
- * *Remove only*
- The changed addresses will only be saved, if the *DFA-Editor* is
- left using the `Remove' function (i.e. you quit the complete *DFA*
- application), but not if you use the `Quit' function.
- *Be careful:*
- Please notice that the functions `Quit' and `Remove' of the
- *DFA-Editor* are exactly the same, if you *don't* have the
- *DFA-Server* program running at the same time! If there is running
- only the *DFA-Editor* and you've choosen `Remove only' for auto
- save mode, changed addresses are *not* saved, if you select `Quit'
- in the *DFA-Editor*.
- Icon Creation
- -------------
- If you want *DFA* to save an icon together with the address files, you
- have to switch this checkbox to *ON* state. To get an icon for every
- address database file make sense e.g. if you like to use *DFA*'s
- application window.
- Hires Mode
- ----------
- If you select this checkbox, *DFA* tries to use an alternate window
- layout for *some* windows. E.g. the edit window will appear with more
- space for the string gadgets. If you select this hires mode and don't
- have anough space on your screen (640x400 pixels should be sufficient),
- *DFA* falls back to the original space-saving window layout
- automatically.
- Secret Mode
- -----------
- Not everyone likes *DFA* informing everybody about how many addresses
- are sorted, saved, loaded and so on. If you select `Secret Mode',
- instead of the number of addresses, three dots are displayed.
- Networking
- ----------
- Starting with version 2.0, *DFA* supplies a simple network mode. This
- network mode has been developed to make it possible for several
- connected computers to use the same address file. The problem that
- comes up, when an address file is used by more than one user at the
- same time is the following:
- If several users change the address file at the same time, the last
- saved address file overwrites the previously saved ones. The previously
- saved changes are lost!
- *DFA* tries to solve this problem in the following way:
- If the network mode is active, all operations that change the address
- database are forbidden, i.e. saving, changing, marking of addresses is
- not possible. It is allowed however, to view the addresses (`Full'), to
- scroll within the address list, to print the addresses and so on.
- If you want to do some changes on the addresses, you have to obtain
- write access to the address file. This can be done using the AREXX
- command `ATTEMPTLOCK' or by selecting the menu item `Write Access' in
- the *DFA-Editor*.
- If your try to get write access was successful, you may change the
- addresses. If you've completed your changes, you should free the write
- access using either the AREXX command `FREELOCK' or the menu item
- `Write Access' in the *DFA-Editor*. After you have done so, other
- members of the LAN can get write access to this address file.
- * *Network mode*
- The checkbox gadget `Network mode' may be used to switch the
- network mode on and off. Please notice, however, that using this
- feature makes only sense if you really have a network installed
- and want to access the same address file from several computers.
- * *Retries*
- Number of retries to get write access to the current address file.
- * *Retry delay*
- Number of seconds that may pass between two tries to get write
- access.
- Address Listview
- ================
- This window may be used to configure the main (address) listview of the
- *DFA-Editor*:
- Each line of the address listview contains one address. Each line may
- have up to eight columns. Each column can display any field of the
- particular address.
- * *Column*
- This cycle gadget supplies means to select the desired column. You
- may configure up to eight columns, i.e. `Column 1' through
- `Column 8'.
- * *Fields*
- This listview contains the field name of all address fields that
- may be used. Please notice that the `Groups' entry displays all
- eight group flags of the particular address using the following
- format:
- 12345678
- ...if there are *all* groups flags set. For every group that isn't
- set, instead of the corresponding group number, there will be
- displayed a minus sign (`-').
- Some examples:
- 123----- Only the groups 1,2 and 3 are set
- 1-3-5--- Only the groups 1,3 and 5 are set
- ------78 Only the groups 7 and 8 are set
- -------- No group flag is set
- * *Weight*
- The number given here is the percentage of the particular column
- referring to the complete line. Please notice that it is possible
- to give up to 100 %, but not more than this! If there is not
- enough space left for the column you're currently working on, you
- have to reduce one or more columns accordingly.
- If you enter a number into the `Weight' gadget that is too large,
- the program corrects the value and replaces it with the highest
- possible number.
- As the display of the group flags needs a fixed number of eight
- characters, it is not possible to give a weight for this field.
- * *Free and Used*
- To give you a general view of the used and free space within the
- line, there are two gadgets, `Used [%]' and `Free [%]', which
- display the used and free space respectively.
- * *Move left*
- Moves the current column left by one.
- * *Move right*
- Moves the current column right by one.
- * *Insert Column*
- Inserts a new column.
- * *Clear Column*
- To clear a column, it is *not* sufficient to set its weight to
- `0'! If you want to clear a column, you have to select the desired
- column (using the `Column' gadget) and then hit the `Clear column'
- gadget.
- Please notice that "empty" columns are *not* possible! Only the
- columns in front of the first cleared column are displayed.
- Example:
- You have set the columns 1,2,3 and 4 to the fields `Name',
- `FirstName', `Phone' and `Town'. If you clear column 3
- (`Phone') and select `Ok', only columns 1 and 2 (`Name' und
- `FirstName') are still visible.
- * *Ok and Cancel*
- With `Ok' you accept the changes you've done; if the *DFA-Editor*
- is currently running, the changes are applied to it and are
- visible at once. `Cancel' discards the changes.
- This all may have sounded a bit complicated, so I'll give you an
- example that shall make clear in a step by step procedure, how to
- configure your "own" format for the address listview:
- Let's say, you want the following format of the listview's lines:
- <First Name> <Name> <Phone> <Group Flags>
- 30% 30% 40% ---
- ...then you should do like this:
- Click on the `Columns' gadget until `Column 1' is shown. Now
- select `First name' in the `Fields' listview and enter `30' into
- the `Weight' string gadget. Click once on the `Columns' gadget --
- `Column 2' appears. Select `Name' in the `Fields' listview and
- enter `30' into the `Weight' string gadget. Click on the `Columns'
- gadget once again -- `Column 3' appears -- and select `Phone' from
- the `Fields' listview. Please enter `40' into the `Weight' string
- gadget. One more click on the `Columns' gadget brings `Column 4'
- to front. Now select `Group flags' from the `Fields' listview.
- Please notice that the `Weight' gadget is displayed "ghosted" now
- and, therefore, no input into this gadget is possible; this is not
- needed either, as the group flags always need eight characters.
- Please click on the `Columns' gadget one more time to make `Column
- 5' visible. Select `Clear column' to make sure that the 5th column
- is "clear". Hit `Ok' to make the changes active -- if the
- *DFA-Editor* program is currently running, all changes will be
- visible at once.
- Panel Listview
- ==============
- Below the address listview of the *DFA-Editor* main window, there is
- another listview called "Panel listview". This is used to make further
- information about the current address visible. It is possible to
- display up to 16 lines. Every line can display any field of the
- address; the line title may be changed as well.
- Furthermore, it is possible to adjust the number of lines that are
- visible at a time.
- * *Lines*
- Every click on the `Lines' cycle gadget makes the next line number
- visible (`Line 1' through `Line 16'). After the last line number
- (16) `Line 1' is displayed again.
- * *Fields*
- This listview corresponds to the one you got to know in
- PrefsAList. Using this listview, you may select which field of the
- particular address you want to get displayed in the currently
- selected line (cf. `Lines').
- * *Title*
- It is possible to give any line title you like; for example `Phone
- #:' for the `Phone' field or `Groups:' for the `group selection'.
- If you want e.g. that all three email address are displayed among
- one another (i.e. Line 1 through line 3), it could be a good idea
- to give the first line (`EMail 1') the title `EMail:' and leave
- line 2 and line 3 without a line title.
- * *Move up*
- Moves the current line up by one.
- * *Move down*
- Moves the current line down by one.
- * *Insert line*
- Inserts a line.
- * *Clear line*
- Similarly to PrefsAList (see `Clear Column') it is needed here as
- well to explicitly delete lines you don't want to use any longer.
- Please notice that only lines in front of the first "cleared" line
- are displayed, even if there are lines with contents behind the
- first cleared line. This means that empty lines are not possible.
- * *Visible lines*
- It is possible (within certain values) to change the size of the
- panel listview using this slider gadget. You may have up to 12
- lines visible at a time! Please notice that the *DFA-Editor*
- reduces the number of visible lines automatically, if there is not
- enough space for the desired listview lines in the window.
- * *Ok and Cancel*
- Using `Ok' you accept the changes and a currently running
- *DFA-Editor* program is updated at once. `Cancel' discards the
- changes.
- The following example may help you to understand the `Panel' listview
- configuration more easily:
- Let's say you would like to get the following format in your
- `Panel' listview
- <Title> <Contents>
- <Line 1> EMail: [EMail 1]
- <Line 2> [EMail 2]
- <Line 3> Comment: [Comment]
- Terms between the `[' and `]' brackets describe field names, terms
- between `<' and `>' brackets serve as description.
- First click on the `Lines' cycle gadget, until `Line 1' appears
- (after the window has opened `Line 1' is usually visible already).
- Now select `EMail 1' from the `Fields' listview and enter `EMail:'
- into the `Title' string gadget. Now click on the `Lines' gadget
- once -- `Line 2' should become visible. Select `EMail 2' from the
- `Fields' listview and delete the contents of the `Title' string
- gadget, if it isn't empty already. One more click on the `Lines'
- gadget brings `Line 3' to front. Select `Comment' from the `Lines'
- listview and enter `Comment' into the `Title' string gadget.
- After one more click on the `Lines' gadget, please click on the
- `Clear line' gadget to delete line four, if it isn't empty. Hit
- `Ok' to accept the changes. If the *DFA-Editor* is currently
- running, the changes will be made visible at once.
- Groups
- ======
- First of all, a few words about the group flags and their purpose and
- meaning:
- It is possible to separate your addresses into groups and set the
- different group flags for every address item. Let's say you're
- using the first three (out of a maximum of eight) group flags and
- you've named them `Private', `Business' and `Other' (see
- PrefsGroups, for more information).
- Now you can set the `Private' flag to all private addresses, the
- `Business' flag to all business related addresses, and the `Other'
- flag to all address that don't belong to any of these groups. Of
- course, you may set more than one flag at a time, if an address is
- a private one and business related as well, for example.
- In the main window of the *DFA-Editor* you can select the groups
- you would like to see within the address listview (or use the
- AREXX command `CHANGEGROUPS' accordingly). If you want to see the
- private and the business addresses, activate both checkbox
- gadgets. Please notice that all actions, for instance, printing
- and searching are performed on the active (i.e. displayed)
- addresses only!
- In the `Groups' window of the *DFA-Preferences* (cf. PrefsGroups)
- you may set which kind of relation between the groups you like. If
- you have activated more than one group at the same time (in the
- example above `Private' and `Other'), you may select either the
- relation `via 'OR'' or the relation `via 'AND'':
- * *via 'OR'*
- Every address that has at least one of the wanted flags set,
- is displayed. If you activate `Private' and `Other', all
- addresses will be displayed that have either set the `Private'
- *or* the `Other' flag *or* both flags.
- * *via 'AND'*
- Only those addresses are shown that have set at least the
- groups you selected in the *DFA-Editor* main window. If the
- `Private' and the `Other' flags are both set, only addresses
- will be shown that have at least the `Private' *and* the
- `Other' flag set; addresses that have set only one of these
- flags are *not* shown.
- Groups that don't have any group flags set can be made visible by
- deselecting all the group flags in the *DFA-Editor* main window
- (i.e. all check boxes are "empty").
- Let's shift to the settings that are possible here:
- * *Groups*
- This cycle gadget allows you to set the group (`Group~1' through
- `Group~8') you want to modify.
- * *Title*
- The name of the group can be entered into this string gadget. The
- desired keyboard shortcut has to be marked with a leading
- underscore (`_'), for example:
- Group _1 The group's name is `Group 1', its
- shortcut is the digit `1'
- Pri_vate `Private' is used for the group name, the
- keyboard shortcut is the `v'
- Other (_3) `Other (3)' is the group's name, the digit `3'
- its keyboard shortcut
- *Please notice:*
- Even if it *is* possible to use any keyboard shortcut you
- like, as long as it is a usual letter, you should remember
- that *DFA* does not check if the keyboard shortcut you enter
- is unique within the *DFA* application. Therefore, you have
- to make sure by yourself that the keyboard shortcuts you want
- to use are not being used by other gadgets.
- Please notice as well that the shortcut for the different
- groups are not only used within the *DFA-Editor* main window,
- but have to be unique in e.g. the *DFA-Editor* `Edit' window
- as well.
- The shortcuts which are guaranteed to be unique within the
- complete *DFA* application are the digits `1' through `8',
- which is the default as well.
- The length of the group titles is limited to 15 digits to make sure
- that no title overwrites the window contents and/or border.
- * *Group handling*
- This cycle gadget allows you to select the kind of relation of
- several group flags (see above for details).
- * *Ok and Cancel*
- After you hit `Ok', the changes become active. If you hit `Cancel'
- instead, all changes are lost.
- Fonts
- =====
- The fonts that shall be used by the *DFA-Editor* and the
- *DFA-Preferences* program can be set in this window. If you don't
- change the default setting (`Use System Font' for every font), all
- program parts use the fonts you set in the Font Preferences program of
- the Workbench. Alternatively, you may set any font you like for each of
- the four fonts used.
- * *DFA-Editor*: Gadget font
- Here you may enter the font, which is used for the gadget texts of
- the *DFA-Editor*.
- * *DFA-Editor*: List font
- For the different listviews of the *DFA-Editor* a seperate font
- may be chosen. Please notice that only non-proportional fonts are
- allowed here.
- * *Same as Editor*
- If you want to use the same fonts for the *DFA-Preferences*
- program as for the *DFA-Editor*, just push this button.
- * *DFA-Preferences*: Gadget font
- see above, *DFA-Editor*: Gadget font.
- * *DFA-Preferences*: List font
- see above, *DFA-Editor*: List font. Please notice, however, that
- even proportional fonts are allowed here!
- Modem
- =====
- The settings set here only have meaning if you have a modem connected
- to your computer and plan to use *DFA* to dial the stored phone numbers.
- Furthermore you should have a phone connected to your modem!
- The following settings may be changed:
- * *Baud*
- This cycle gadget may be used to set the baud rate of the serial
- port. As the serial port is only used to send command sequences
- and not to transfer real data, the baud rate doesn't really
- matter; however, it should not be higher than the baud rate, your
- modem supports (default: `1200').
- * *Init String*
- The string that you enter into this string gadget is used to
- initialize the modem. If you have a modem that supports the
- "Hayes" command sequences, the init command is usually `ATZ'
- (default: `ATZ~~~').
- * *Hangup String*
- The string that is to be used to hang up the line, i.e. to
- terminate the connection, may be entered here (default:
- `+++\rTH0\r')
- * *Predial String*
- This string is sent to the modem just before the phone number
- itself. Some examples for "Hayes" compatible modems:
- ATDP Pulse dial (default)
- ATDT Tone dial
- ATX3DP#WP Makes the modem wait for a dialtone after
- sending a number (`#'). So it is possible
- to call from a extension line.
- Just substitute `#' by the number you would
- usually enter to get a dialtone.
- * *Suff. Dial String*
- The string that has to be sent just after the phone number may be
- entered here. Please notice that this string has to be *at least*
- a `\r', as the dialing does not work otherwise (default: `\r').
- * *Serial device*
- Here you may enter the name of a serial device that shall be used
- for dialing. Usually this is the Commodore `serial.device', which
- is the default. If you have an interface card with (an)
- additional serial interface(s), you can insert the new serial
- device here.
- * *Select device*
- Instead of typing the name of the serial device you can comfortably
- select it from a file requester. The selected device is inserted
- into the `Serial device' field.
- * *Device unit*
- You may enter the number of the serial device here. Usually this is
- `0'. However, if you have an interface card with more than one
- serial port, they are distinguishable by their numbers (`0' and
- `1' for example).
- * *Retries*
- If a line is busy, it is possible to tell *DFA* to retry; the
- number of retries may be entered here.
- * *Redial delay*
- The time delay between two dial events.
- * *Use OwnDevUnit*
- The `OwnDevUnit.library' gives you the chance to use *DFA* for
- dialing, even if the serial port is permanently occupied by a
- program as the `getty' for example. The requirement for this to
- work is that this program supports the `OwnDevUnit.library' as
- well of course. If you don't use such a program, you may deactivate
- the `Use OwnDevUnit' checkbox. If there is no `OwnDevUnit.library'
- installed on your computer, it can't be used of course.
- The input you can do into `Init String', `Hangup String',
- `PredialString' and `Suff. Dial String', can be found in the manual of
- your modem. In addition to the strings listed there, *DFA* supports the
- following command sequences:
- * *`~' (Tilde)*
- Causes a delay of about one second.
- * *`\b' (Backspace)*
- Deletes the character to its left.
- * *`\f' (Formfeed)*
- Performs a form feed.
- * *`\n' (Linefeed)*
- Produces a line feed.
- * *`\r' (Carriage return)*
- Performs a carriage return.
- * *`\t' (Tab)*
- Inserts a `Tab' character.
- * *`\e' (ESC)*
- Inserts an `Escape' character.
- Paths and Filenames
- ===================
- The file and pathnames used by *DFA* may be set here.
- More comfortable than to enter the pathname into the string gadgets
- manually is to hit the button just behind the corresponding string
- gadget. If you do so, a file requester pops up and you may select the
- desired file or pathname.
- * *Address file*
- This is the address file that is loaded automatically during the
- startup of *DFA* (default: `s:adr.file'). This filename will be
- used as well, if you select `Save as default'.
- * *External files*
- The external files are saved in a directory of their own (default:
- `s:DFAExternals').
- * *File editor*
- To modify the external files, you need an ASCII editor. The `ed',
- which can usually be found in the `C:' drawer of your workbench,
- is an appropriate tool for example (default: `ed').
- * *File viewer*
- To view the external files, you need a text viewer, as for example
- the `more' program that comes along with your Workbench programs
- (default: `more').
- Arexx Scripts
- =============
- It is possible to bind one AREXX script to any function key (`F1'
- through `F10') and any "shifted" function key (`SHIFT F1' through
- `SHIFT F10'). You may toggle between the 2 function key blocks using
- the `Qualifier' cycle gadget.
- If you don't like to enter the name of the AREXX script (including its
- path) by hand, you may alternatively hit the button gadget just behind
- the corresponding string gadget (keyboard shortcut: `SHIFT' `<digit>').
- If you do so, a file requester will pop up and the desired AREXX script
- can be selected.
- The AREXX scripts you enter here can only be reached via the function
- keys from the main window of the *DFA-Editor*. In the `rexx' drawer of
- the *DFA* distribution, some example scripts can be found; all files
- suited for this purpose have the extension `.dfa'.
- Into `Template script' you may enter the AREXX script, you want to use
- together with the `New' function to change the template address. `Use
- script' toggles the usage of this script on or off respectively.
- The `Postprocess script' field may be used to enter an AREXX script,
- which is executed after a new address has been entered. `Use p.process
- script' toggles this script on or off.
- Hit `Ok' to accept the changes or `Cancel' to quit the window and
- discard the changes.
- Sorting
- =======
- The addresses can be sorted by (nearly) every field of an address. To
- manage this, you may enter up to four sort criteria here. The most
- important one is `Sort criteria 1'. If two addresses can't be
- distinguished by this criteria alone (e.g. if there are identical
- names), the second sort criteria (`Sort criteria 2') is used. If a
- distinction is still impossible, the third sort criteria is used and so
- on.
- * *Sort*
- Here you may choose which sort criteria you would like to change.
- * *Fields*
- You may select one address field from this listview for every sort
- criteria (`Sort criteria 1' through `Sort criteria 4').
- * *Clear sort criteria*
- If you want to delete a sort criteria, please hit this button.
- * *Ok and Cancel*
- `Ok' accepts the changes. Please notice that the addresses are
- *not* resorted automatically. To sort your addresses using the
- modified sort criteria, you have to explicetly select `Sort' in
- the *DFA-Editor* (or use the corresponding AREXX command).
- `Cancel' ignores the changes.
- Custom Screens
- ==============
- It is possible ot let *DFA* open its own custom screens. As long as you
- don't use this feature, *DFA* opens up on existing public screens. This
- behaviour can be customized by using the corresponding Tool Types.
- Custom screens can be set for the *DFA-Editor* and for the *DFA-Prefs*
- program seperately.
- Custom Screen (*DFA-Editor*)
- ----------------------------
- * Use custom screen
- Toggles the usage of a custom screen.
- * Screen mode
- Displayes the selected screen mode. The button which is can be
- found behind the text gadget activate the screen mode requester.
- * Screen title
- Title of the cusom screen.
- * Screen font
- The font for the custom screen. The button gadget behind the text
- gadget activates the font requester.
- Custom Screen *DFA-Preferences Program*
- ---------------------------------------
- * Use custom screen
- See PrefsScreenEditor
- * Same as Editor
- The *DFA-Preferences* program uses the same custom screen as the
- *DFA-Editor*.
- * Screen mode
- See PrefsScreenEditor
- * Screen title
- See PrefsScreenEditor
- * Screen font
- See PrefsScreenEditor
- Legal stuff
- ***********
- Licence
- =======
- 1. This licence applies to the product called `DFA', a package for
- the *AMIGA* computer, published by Dirk Federlein under the
- concepts of *Shareware*. The terms "Package", "*DFA*" and
- "Archive" refer to this product. The licensee is addressed as
- "you". This license does not apply to third party supplied
- programs, found e.g. in the `c' or `libs' drawer of the original
- distribution archive.
- 2. You may use *DFA* for a period of up to 21 days for evaluation.
- After that, you have to register.
- 3. This archive may be freely redistributed only *without the
- keyfile*, which you got from me when you have registered. Please
- remember that the keyfile contains your name to prevent you from
- giving it away to others.
- 4. You are *not allowed* to draw commercial profit out of
- distributing this package. You may charge a fee to recover
- distribution and copy costs. The fee for diskette distribution may
- *not be more* than the cost to obtain a public domain diskette
- from Fred Fish.
- 5. You are *not* allowed to manipulate any file of *DFA* and
- distribute it under any or no name. Compression with common
- archivers like `zoo' or `lharc' is allowed. You are only allowed to
- redistribute the *whole* original archive (*without* the keyfile
- however).
- Some files *may be* modified for your personal use:
- * The AREXX scripts
- The example AREXX scripts which can be found in the `Rexx'
- drawer of the original distribution may be modified and/or
- enhanced.
- * The LOCALE files
- If you adopt the catalog translation files (extension `.ct'),
- you will be able to translate all program texts of *DFA* into
- your native language.
- If you do such changes, you may do so for your personal use;
- redistribution of modified files is not allowed. (Nevertheless
- the author would be happy, if you'd sent him your modified files,
- so that they may serve as a basis for an inclusion into future
- versions of *DFA*)
- 6. If developers of commercial software would like to include certain
- parts of *DFA* in their commercial products, they will have to
- contact the author of *DFA* first, to ask for permission.
- 7. You agree to cease distributing *DFA* if requested to do so by the
- author.
- 8. By copying, distributing and/or using *DFA* you indicate your
- acceptance of this license to do so, and all its terms and
- conditions.
- 9. Each time you redistribute this package, the recipient
- automatically receives a license from the original licensor to
- copy, distribute and/or use this package subject to these terms
- and conditions. *You may not impose any further restrictions on
- the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herin*.
- 10. As always, Fred Fish has got explicit permission to include this
- package into his wonderful "Fish Disk" collection, no matter if it
- is on floppy or compact disk.
- Warranty
- ========
- This software is provided *as is* without warranty of any kind, either
- expressed or implied. By using *DFA*, you agree to accept the entire
- risk as to the quality and performance of this package.
- In no event (unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing)
- will any copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute this
- package as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any
- general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the
- use or inability to use this package (including but not limited to loss
- of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or
- third parties), even if such holder or other party has been advised of
- the possibility of such damages.
- Of course, *DFA* has been tested rather extensively before it was
- released. In case you find any bugs in *DFA* I please you to send me a
- bug report. See Bugreports.
- Copyright
- =========
- GUI created using Gadtoolsbox (37.300) (C) 1991-93 Jan van den Baard.
- AREXX interface created using Arexxbox (V1.12) (C) 1992-93 Michael
- Balzer.
- The MagicWB icons are (C) Copyright 1993-94 Martin Huttenloher
- Installer and Installer project icon (C) Copyright 1991-93
- Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduced and distributed
- under license from Commodore.
- Registered trademarks are *not* marked separately. Therefore absence
- of a trademark does not imply they are free.
- Registration
- ************
- Since Version 2.1 of *DFA* has been finished, it is an product with the
- *SASG* quality brand.
- The advantages, which grow out of this can be looked up within the
- @{" Registration/Information " system DFA:C/Registration} program.
- Information about registration sites, the *SASG*, the shareware fee,
- payment methods etc. can be found there as well.
- The registration program can be started either seperately or directly
- out of the about requester of *DFA*.
- Before you register, you have the opportunity to test `DFA' in great
- detail. However, when using the unregistered version you can't save
- the preferences (this feature is disabled); all changes you perform
- using the *DFA-Preferences* program stay active only until you reboot
- your computer. The window positions are therefore *not* saved as well.
- In spite of all this restrictions it should be possible to see if *DFA*
- is what you expect. As soon as you use `DFA' regularly, however not
- later than after 21 days, you have to register!
- You'll get your personal keyfile, a TeX manual (in German *and*
- English) and an AMIGAGUIDE manual (German *and* English). All manual
- files are on the disk only and *not* printed!
- You'll find my address below, see Addresses.
- Updates
- *******
- I'm continuously working on *DFA* and I'll publish updates from time to
- time. These updates will be fed into the following electronic nets:
- * ADS Filenet
- * AmiNet FTP Server
- If you have access to such a electronic net, you can get the latest
- version of *DFA* quickly and cheaply. Many electronic mailboxes supply
- the latest version of *DFA* as well, e.g.
- *Publisher's Treff*
- SASG Support BBS - All SASG products available
- 63739 Aschaffenburg
- Tel.: Germany-(0)6028-996886
- Fido: 2:244/6302.0
- You may get the latest version of *DFA* off from that `BBS' via
- Fido-FileRequest. The magic for the FileRequest is `DFA'. Any
- other *SASG* product may be requested as well.
- *Incubus*
- 97074 Würzburg
- Tel.: Germany-(0)931-781464, -781465, -781467, -781468, -72695,
- -884703, -884726
- Alternatively you may order your update directly from me. Please use
- the registration program for this purpose -- as you've already done
- when you've registered.
- Fred Fish will get *DFA* to include it in his library. However, it will
- last a few weeks until `DFA' finds its was on these floppy or compact
- disks respectively.
- Bug Reports
- ***********
- In spite of the fact that every release version is tested very
- thoroughly before it is published, I can't guarantee that there are no
- more bugs in it.
- This fact can be understood more easily, if you know that the source
- code of *DFA* takes up about 2 MB up to now!
- So I ask you to report any bugs you discover. If you have any ideas
- what should be improved in future versions of *DFA*, please feel free
- to write, (mail or email, doesn't matter) giving me any suggestions.
- Bug reports can be sent by ordinary or elecronic mail. The address can
- be found in Addresses.
- Important Addresses
- *******************
- The author's address
- ====================
- *Home address:*
- Dirk Federlein
- Brunnengasse 11a
- 63741 Aschaffenburg
- Germany
- *Study address:*
- Dirk Federlein
- Am Sonnenberg 34
- 97078 Würzburg
- Germany
- *E-Mail:*
- UUCP: dirkf@alcmy.franken.de
- CIS: 100577,1027
- FIDO: 2:244/6302.12
- E-mail reaches me always, no matter to which of the above addresses you
- write. If you prefer to send "normal" mail, you should send it to
- Aschaffenburg.
- *Bank address:*
- Bayerische Vereinsbank Aschaffenburg
- Sort code: 795 200 70
- Account: 160 6 140
- Germany
- Registration in Belgium
- =======================
- *Olivier Toebosch*
- Kapittelstraat 19
- 2610 Wilrijk
- Belgium
- *E-Mail:*
- FIDO: 2:292/603.21
- *Bank account:*
- Account: 403-4132721-12
- Belgium
- Registration in England
- =======================
- *Paul Jewell*
- 7 Fairfield Avenue
- Victoria Park
- Cardiff
- Great Britain (Wales)
- *E-Mail:*
- UUCP: Paul_Jewell@savanna.exnet.com
- *Bank account:*
- Lloyds Bank
- Sort code: 30-98-94
- Account: 7574426
- Registration in France
- ======================
- *Etienne Schneider*
- 1 impasse des Sans Boutons
- F-80000 Amiens
- France
- *E-Mail:*
- UUCP: etienne.schneider@ramses.fdn.org
- Registration in Germany
- =======================
- *Christoph Reichert*
- Im Hag 2
- 63834 Sulzbach am Main
- Deutschland
- *E-Mail:*
- UUCP: chris@ptreff.ab.mayn.sub.de
- FIDO: 2:244/6302.0
- *Bank address:*
- Sparkasse Aschaffenburg - Alzenau
- Sort code: 795 500 00
- Account: 528 01 77
- Germany
- Registration in Sweden
- ======================
- *AUGS Shareware Center*
- c/o Nilsson, Färgargränd 35
- S-831 51 Östersund
- Sweden
- *E-Mail:*
- UUCP: augssc@augs.se
- FIDO: 2:204/404.888
- Registration in the USA
- =======================
- *Robert Blayzor*
- PO Box 807
- Johnstown, NY 12095-0807
- U.S.A.
- *E-Mail:*
- UUCP: die@lsd.org
- Internal
- ********
- Locale Support
- ==============
- While *DFA* V1.2x supported seven different languages, version 2.0 of
- *DFA* comes along only with english and german language support. This
- restriction has several reasons:
- 1. The english and german version of the catalog files can be done by
- myself. Therefore I am no longer -- especially when creating
- updates -- forced to get updated locale files from many different
- parts of this world *in time*.
- 2. For version 2.0 of *DFA* I enlarged the locale files by a big
- amount. To translate these files is a lot of work that I don't
- want to be done by other people than by myself.
- 3. The enormous effort to adopt the locale files (for updates),
- prevented me a long time from doing a major update at all. Please
- notice that all locale files have to be changed, even if I add
- only one single sentence or word! Now there is no longer such a
- reason (for me) to delay updates!
- 4. The number of registered users that prefer other languages than
- german or english is still quite low. This has been the reason not
- to put a french locale into *DFA* V1.2x, as in the beginning there
- was no registered french user at all. Furthermore -- most people
- prefer the english program texts even if English isn't their
- native language.
- Since version 2.1 has been finished, the french program texts are
- available as well!
- The CheckBirthday Program
- =========================
- Since *DFA* got its Arexx-Port, it comes along with an Arexx script
- that displays coming birthdays. This script had, besides several pros,
- one real con: It needed much time to process a (long) address list.
- Out of this reason *DFA* now comes along with an addition tool that does
- the same job, but much faster.
- It can be started out of the shell, with the command:
- The meaning of the different parameters:
- The address database file
- Number of days before the birthday
- Number of days after the birthday
- Delay in seconds after the output of all birthdays
- Starting from Workbench is possible as well! Please notice that you
- have to make sure that you have adjusted the tooltypes to your needs.
- These tooltypes have the same names as the shell parameter.
- Additionally the `WINDOW' tooltype is available that gives you the
- chance to set the output window position and size, like:
- WINDOW=CON:20/20/400/200/Geburtstage/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT
- Needed Configuration
- ********************
- The minimum configuration for the usage of *DFA* consists of any
- *AMIGA* computer that runs at least *AMIGA-OS 2.0* and 1 MB RAM.
- As the addresses are completely kept in RAM, as more you have as better
- it is.
- A harddisk is not needed, but recommended. If you don't have a
- harddisk, you should posses at least two disk drives and make sure that
- your boot disk still has enough free space.
- If you run (at least) Workbench 2.1 on your system, you may change the
- native language if you like (use the Locale preferences program of the
- Workbench to do so).
- If you run version 3.x of the operating system, you can enjoy some
- additional (mostly optical) features of this OS version.
- Hints and Tips
- **************
- Question:
- After I restarted the computer, *DFA* has "forgotten" all window
- positions I'd adjusted before -- why?
- *Answer:*
- To save the window positions, you have to save the *DFA*
- preferences. This can be done for example by selecting the
- appropriate menu item (`Settings->Save Preferences') of the
- *DFA-Editor*.
- Please remember that the settings, and as a consequence of this,
- the window positions as well, can only be saved in the registered
- version of *DFA* (see Registration, for details).
- Question:
- After I entered another position for the application icon, it
- stayed on the same place as before.
- *Answer:*
- Click on the `Show' check box gadget in the Miscellaneous Window
- of the *DFA-Preferences* program (cf. PrefsMisc) *twice*. Now the
- application icon should appear on the desired position, as long as
- there is no other icon that occupies this position on the
- Workbench.
- Question:
- As soon as I want to modify anything, a requester appears which
- tells me that I need "write access" before I may change my
- addresses.
- *Answer:*
- Switch off the network mode (see PrefsMisc). If you need the
- network mode, select `Write Access' in the `Settings' menu of the
- *DFA-Editor*.
- Question:
- If I hit the `HELP' key, I get no online help at all -- nothing
- happens!
- *Answer:*
- Make sure that the online help files (`DFAEditor.guide' and
- `DFAPrefs.guide') exist and the corresponding tooltypes of the
- *DFA-Editor* and the *DFA-Preferences* program are set correctly
- (cf. PrefsTooltypes).
- Question:
- I appended an old *DFA* file to the current address database, but
- the appended addresses are not displayed within the address
- listview!
- *Answer:*
- Make sure that you activated the correct group flags. It might be
- that the appended addresses don't have any group flags set. If
- this is the case, you will have to *deactivate* all group check
- boxes in the *DFA-Editor* main window to see these addresses.
- Question:
- If I access my addresses via AREXX, *DFA* doesn't seem to find all
- addresses -- sometimes it even finds no addresses at all!
- *Answer:*
- Please notice that the AREXX commands access only the addresses
- that correspond to the current group selection! To make sure that
- all addresses can be reached by AREXX, you should either select all
- group flags in the *DFA-Editor* main window or use the AREXX
- command `CHANGEGROUPS' accordingly.
- Question:
- After I've entered a new address containing group flags that did
- *not* match the current group selection, it was nevertheless
- displayed in the *DFA-Editor*'s main window listview. Isn't this
- behaviour a bit inconsequent?
- *Answer:*
- Yes, indeed. However, for many people it would be even more
- confusing, if the new address which they've just entered is not
- displayed.
- Question:
- Just after I entered a new address, it was displayed in the
- *DFA-Editor*'s main window corretly. After I've resized the
- window, however, the address has disappeared!
- *Answer:*
- This problem should be seen together with the previous question.
- After a new address is entered, it is shown in the listview, no
- matter if the group selection fits or not. As soon as the window
- is resized, however, the listview entries are reformatted and the
- group selection is noticed! This causes all entries to disappear
- that do not match the current group selection.
- Question:
- Although I have set the modem preferences as it is needed, my modem
- does not dial any telephone numbers. The phone number of the
- address to dial is displayed within the dial window, but the modem
- does nothing that looks like dialing!
- *Answer:*
- Under some circumstances your modem does not like the baud rate you
- set in the *System Preferences* (Serial). Decrease the baud rate
- (in the System Preferences!) until your modem dials correctly.
- Thanks to...
- ************
- Many people helped me to make *DFA* what it is today. Therefore I would
- like to thank...
- ... *my betatesters*
- Stefan Bauer, Daniel Egger, Sven Gmelin, Michael 'Ghandi' Herold,
- Michael 'Mick' Hohmann, Martin Huttenloher, Kai Iske, Axel Jusek,
- Peter Klassmann, Michael Liebl, Sven Lucas, Carsten Melberg, Peter
- Meyer, Alexander Reifinger, Christoph Schuster, Manfred Schwab,
- Bernd Stieler, Stefan Stuntz, Robert Wahnsiedler, Christian Werner.
- ... *my registration sites*
- Robert Blayzor, Katja und Paul Jewell, Andre Lackmann, Christoph
- Reichert, Mats-Olov Rustad, Etienne Schneider, Olivier Toebosch.
- ... *Martin 'XEN' Huttenloher*
- Painted the wonderful MagicWB icons (8 colors)
- If you like the icons coming with this distribution of *DFA*, take
- a look at the complete collection of MagicWB icons by Martin
- Huttenloher.
- ... *Kai Iske*
- My "oldest" beta tester. He already tested *DFA* before version
- 1.0 has been published! For version 2.0 of *DFA* he supplied me a
- fast sort routine. The `RemindBirthday' utility is done by him as
- well.
- ... *Katja and Paul Jewell, Donald Dalley*
- For the proof reading of the english manual.
- ... *Etienne Schneider*
- For the french locale files and the translation of the
- documentation.
- ... *Stefan Stuntz*
- For many telephone chats and his understanding that *DFA* still
- doesn't support his `Magic User Interface' (`MUI').
- ... *all others,* that are not explicitly listed here and have sent
- me bug reports and/or suggestions for improving *DFA*
- Thanks a lot to all *DFA* users to be so patient while waiting for
- *DFA* V2.0 such a long time. I do really hope it is worth the time
- you've waited for it!
- History
- *******
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.60 (26.10.95 14:12:51)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - dfa.library/About: Updated about logo and copyright notice.
- Cleaned up gui calculation for the about window.
- - Recompiled using SAS\C 6.56
- - DFAEditor/SaveAs: Enforcer hit and junk within the pattern
- string gadget. Fixed.
- - DFAEditor: Refreshing of the edit window (simple refresh
- window) did not work. Fixed.
- - DFAEditor: Loading a Preferences file with more panel list-
- view lines than the current setting have, crashed the
- progam. Fixed.
- (Report: T.W. Hansen)
- - DFAEditor: RSHIFT-<Return> did not pop up the EDIT window as
- it did in former versions, but worked as a "Quick Search"
- keystroke. This did NOT make sense, so I disabled "Quick
- Search" for all ASCII charakters 'smaller' than the '!'.
- (Request: Xen)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.50 (31.07.95 15:33:34)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - DFAEditor/Full: Edit/Ok button shortcuts had been exchanged.
- Fixed.
- - DFAEditor: Changed getting of halfshine pen. If everything
- else (i.e. ReadPixel()) fails, the halfshine pen is set to
- pen #5.
- - DFA-Server: Changed the CHANGEGROUPS command syntax. Added
- the 'ALL' parameter.
- - dfa.library: Fixed a bug in internal list functions that
- made the DFA->JumpTo function produce enfrocer hits.
- - DFAPrefs: After changing the screen prefs, DFAEditor and/or
- DFAPrefs are (re)opened on the new screen(s) at once.
- (Suggestion: D. Egger)
- - DFA-Editor: When you cancelled the input of a _new_ address,
- left the DFAEditor and reentered if (e.g. Hotkey), the
- program crashed during the reformatting of the listview.
- Fixed.
- - DFA-Prefs: Optimized window refreshing and made all windows
- simple refresh. Should be faster and less memory hungry now.
- - DFA-Editor: Optimized window refreshing and made all but the
- main window simple refresh windows. Should be faster and less memory
- hungry now.
- - DFA.library: Fixed a bug in readprefs(). Took me about 8h to
- track this one down! :-(
- - DFA-Server: Fixed several bugs regarding AppIcon/AppMenu.
- - DFAEditor: If you try to run the preferences program via the
- corresponding menu item and the prefs program is already
- running, it pops to front. Should have worked like this all
- the time before, but never did:-)
- - DFAEditor/Main: Hopefully fixed a bug, which could (!)
- appear, if you resized the main window severly times and
- clicked around like crazy;-) Made NewSize/SizeVerify
- messages "safer".
- (Report: Mick)
- - DFAEditor/(Un)Set Groups: New window layout. Instead of
- 16 checkbox gadgets there are 8 cycle gadgets now. The
- result is the same as before, but I think it's better to use
- now and looks even nicer.
- - DFA.library: All DFA preferences files get a 'magic' now
- that prevents DFA from loading other than the correct
- DFA prefs files.
- - DFAPrefs/Misc: The AppIcon position is now updated as soon
- as you change its x and/or y position.
- - DFAPrefs: Several shortcuts did not work properly or were
- used twice. Fixed.
- (Report: A. Stieler)
- - DFAEditor: Added pattern field to 'Save as...' file
- requester.
- (Request: Mick)
- - DFA.library/global: In connection with the 'ADDRESSFILE'
- tooltype, an error requester appeared, telling you that
- the address file default.dfa could not be opened.
- Fixed.
- - DFAEditor/Main: Optimized refreshing after the user resized
- the main window. The window border wil now longer be
- overwritten, when the window is made smaller!
- - DFA.library/CustomScreens: Fixed the CustomScreen/OS2.x
- bug! Gave OS3.x Byte values to a OS2.x function that
- understands values from 0 to 15 only.
- - DFAEditor/Main: After resizing the window, the gadget panel
- was completely ENABLED, even if no entry of the listview had
- been selected at all!
- (Report: Mario Cattaneo)
- - DFAEditor/Full: After you have moved around within the
- address list and left the full window, the current position
- was NOT updated. Fixed.
- (Report: Mick)
- - DFAPrefs/Misc: 'Show AppMenu' text was too long. Shortened.
- (Report: Mick)
- - Network mode: Fixed several 'security holes', e.g.
- Full->Edit was always possible, even if the user did not
- have the write lock to the address file!
- (Report: Mick)
- - DFAEditor/Save: Auto-Write lock enabled.
- (Request: Mick)
- - DFAPrefs/Fonts: New button 'Same as Editor' copies the font
- settings from the DFAEditor to the DFAPrefs fields.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFA.library/About: The Update/Register button has been too
- small for the text.
- (Report: Mick)
- - DFAEditor/Main: Added menus for the displaysort (see below).
- This will sort the listview display by the menu item you
- select (Salutation, Name, ...). The internally stored data,
- however, are _not_ sorted. This has to be done by the usual
- sort function.
- Please notice: If you've used the display sort, The
- 'quick search' (RSHIFT <letter>) function will _not_
- work on these resorted items.
- (Request: Mick)
- - DFA.library/Display-Sort: Implemented display sort routine.
- This will sort the _display_ of e.g. the DFA-Editor
- temporarily! I.e. the real order of the addresses will NOT
- be touched.
- (Request: Mick)
- - DFA.library/Sort(): Sped up sort function! Actually, the
- sort kept the same, but the list handling around the sort
- was highly optimized. Just try it!
- - DFAEditor: If you load an address file, the filename is
- updated within the window title now.
- (Report: B. Stieler)
- - DFAPrefs/Arexx: File requesters for loading arexx scripts
- now have a pattern string (will be saved with the prefs)
- - dfa.library/network: If one tries to get write access and a
- lockfile exists, which contains this user's and host's name,
- this lockfile will be deleted and the write access will
- succeed.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFAEditor/Load: Enabled Pattern-String in file requester.
- This pattern will be remembered and saved with the
- preferences.
- (Request: MickH)
- - DFAEditor/Full: Layout rewritten from scratch. Actually, it
- looks as it did before, but internally a lot was changed:-)
- As a consequence of this redesign the listview of this
- window will allways be sized as high that all address
- fields fit into it.
- - DFAPrefs/Arexx: Mixed up some gadtools tags -> underscore
- was not displayed correctly.
- (Report: Daniel Egger, Mick, ...)
- - DFAEditor: Auto write access mode changed. The network
- status window does no longer pup up while getting and
- freeing the write lock.
- - DFA library: Changed internal lock file format. Fields are
- seperated by a newline charakter now.
- - DFA library: DFA no longer reports an error, if there is no
- file name given in the DFAPrefs/Paths for the address file.
- - DFA (Server): ADDRESSFILE did not work properly. Fixed.
- - DFA-Library: Changed lock file naming. Now DFA tries first
- to append the 'lok' extension. If the filename is too long,
- it cuts as many charakters as needed from the original
- filename and appends the extension afterwards.
- - DFAEditor: When moving through the addresses using the
- cursor keys, the SELECTED and GROUPS flags where
- (automatically;-)) set wrong! Fixed.
- - DFAPrefs/Arexx: Underscores for gadget shortcuts
- are set correctly now.
- - DFA(Server): Frees write lock, if signalled by another
- DFA application.
- - DFAEditor: Frees write lock, if signalled by another
- DFA application.
- - DFAPrefs: Server is signalled, if network mode is
- disabled.
- - DFAPrefs: When you disable the network mode, the DFAEditor
- is signalled to free the write access.
- - DFAEditor: Finished new "auto write access" feature. There
- may be still some parts, which I've not updated, however.
- - DFAEditor: (Network mode) When you changed something and
- tried to leave the editor, you got the message to get write
- access first, you couldn't decide just to leave the editor
- without saving anything! Now, this is possible! ;-)
- (Request: Mick)
- - DFA-Editor: Started to implement auto locking for the
- network mode. Got it to work on a first, simple basis.
- Really hope, I can finish it, BEFORE I go to Spain...;-=)
- - DFA Library: File locking mechanism changed! It should be
- possible now, to use even NFS partitions to store the
- DFA databases.
- (Request: Mick)
- - DFAEditor/Edit: Movement from within the Edit window
- causes a reorganization of this and all related functions.
- "Some" work. Needs real testing as well!
- - DFAEditor: Started to implement movement functions into
- the Edit window similar to the Full window. I don't plan to
- provide any gadgets, but want to implemnt this using
- keys "only".
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFAPrefs/Panel list: Added Up/Down/Insert line buttons.
- Changed behaviour ov the clear line button: Now all lines
- below the cleared one are moved up by one.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFAPrefs/Address list: Added Left/Right/Insert col.
- buttons. Changed behaviour of the clear column button:
- Now all columns behind the cleared one are move to front
- by one.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFA(Server)/SETPREFS,GETPREFS: Added parameters to
- get/set the groupnames.
- (Suggestion: H. Hucke)
- - DFA-Editor/Edit window: Alternate hires layout added.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFA-Prefs/Misc window: Additional Checkbox: Hires Mode.
- This checkbox dis-/enables the hires mode. Hires mode means
- that the user has plenty of room on his screens and wants to
- use the alternate hires layout, if available.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFA-Editor: "New" - Groups are preset to the groups
- currently selected in the main window.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - DFA-Editor: The name of the address file is shown in the
- title bar of the main window now.
- - Recompiled with SAS/C v6.55.
- - DFA.library: Finished custom screen support. Dropped the
- plan to support OWN public screens, so all you get are
- non public custom screens.
- - DFA-Library: Gave set custom screen settings (DFAPrefs)
- its functionality. Some file tuning keeps to be done I
- fear...:-)
- - DFAPrefs: Changed the GetEntry image
- - DFAPrefs: Screen mode window implemented, still non
- functional:-)
- - DFA-Editor: Postprocess script did handle EDITTEMPLATE
- tempararily as well as the "usual" template script, which
- may be considered to be a but:-) Fixed.
- (Report: Mick)
- - dfa.library: Changed parameters of adr_appendlist().
- Now you may additionally give a filename:-)
- - DFA-Server: Changed Arexx commands:
- LOAD/APPEND/SAVEAS to work with the new freq
- function.
- - dfa.library: New function dfa_getfilename() provides a nice
- way to select files (a file requester:-) and does all the
- boring stuff needed for this.
- - DFA-Server: Implemented Arexx command SAVEPREFS.
- - DFAEditor: Improved Edit-Hook. Now it supports jumping
- wordwise using <CRTL> <CURSOR> <LEFT|RIGHT>.
- - DFA-Server: Arexx command: Search
- Added new parameter NOWILDCARDS/S.
- - DFA-Server: New Arexx commands: SETPREFS, SAVEPREFS
- - DFAEditor: Made postprocessing arexx script work:-)
- - dfa.library: Load/Save function now take care of the
- protection bits and the user and group ids.
- (Request: Michael "Ghandi" Herold)
- - dfa.library: Tracked down one really ugly bug:
- while reformatting the display list, SOMETIMES memory was
- freed that already had been freed before! Really strange,
- but anyway, It's gone now (took this chance to add an
- AllocVecPooled stub to the library code:-))
- - DFAPrefs: Save about 1.5K by locale handling optimization:-)
- - DFA-Server: New Arexx command: LOADPREFS.
- This command loads an alternate prefs file.
- - dfa.library: Added support for nonwildcard search
- (see 'DFAEditor' below).
- - DFAEditor: The search window now has an additional
- checkbox "Use WildCards". If it is selected, searching is
- performed with complete pattern matching (#? etc.).
- If it is UNselected, only a partial string search is done.
- Less powerful, but very FAST :-)
- - DFAEditor: Completely redesigned the search window, well
- actually it looks similar as before, but was rewritten from
- scratch nevertheless.
- - DFAEditor: New menu items: Load Prefs, Save Prefs as.
- Now it is possible to use multiple prefs files.
- - DFA.library: Adopted read/write-prefs according to the
- new fields (arexx scripts...)
- - DFAPrefs: Added PostProcess script, and checkbox
- to switch it on/off
- - DFAEditor: Post processing script for the New function. This
- may even be dis/enabled seperately via a menu item and may
- be used to postprocess a just entered address.
- - DFAPrefs: Code cleanup...saved a few bytes:-)
- - DFAEditor: Added support for postprocess script
- for new function: This Arexx script will be executed, as
- soon as the new address has been entered.
- - DFAPrefs: New menu items:
- Open, Save as, Set To Defaults, Last Saved, Restore
- - DFAEditor: 2 new menu items to check/uncheck all
- group flags
- - DFAEditor: Bug in Edit window fixed. Every time you hit OK,
- a new entry was inserted into the address listview, although
- this new entry didn't exist at all!
- (Report: Kai Iske)
- - DFAPrefs: Changed "Arexx Commands" window.
- * Support for shift qualifier
- * Support for template arexx script
- * New "layout" :-)
- - DFAEditor: Added 10 "additional" function keys for
- arexx scripts, i.e. you may execute 10 more arexx scripts
- by hitting <SHIFT> additionally.
- - DFAEditor: Now it is possible, to change the Template
- "during" the "New" procedure. I.e. you may set
- an arexx script which is executed every time you
- use the "New" command.
- - DFAEditor: New-Window. Additional gadget
- to make it possible to enter another NEW address
- without closing the window and open it again.
- - New Arexx command: EDITTEMPLATE
- Like "Edit", just for the template
- - New Arexx command: GETTEMPLATE
- Returns the template "address".
- - New Menu: Arexx Commands. All Arexx commands are
- listed here, especially to remind the user on which
- function key he installed which arexx command
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.25 (21.01.95 00:30:45)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - QuickSearch function (<RSHIFT><letter>) now works
- locale sensitive (if locale is installed).
- - New mapping routine for the DFAEditor images implemented.
- - QuickSearch function implemented. As soon as you hit RSHIFT-<letter>,
- in the DFAEditor main window, the first entry beginning with <letter>
- is selected.
- (Suggestion: Mick)
- - Arexx functions 'NEXT' and 'PREV' did not return an
- Arexx error code (RC != 0) when no next address was
- available. This has been a consequence of the enforcer
- hit removement and is fixed now!
- - Fixed several enforcer hits that came up, if you tried
- to move within an EMPTY address list using the Arexx
- commands 'first', 'last', 'next', 'prev', 'nextsel',
- 'prevsel'.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.24 (27.10.94 15:59:08)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - If you tried to delete the FIRST address in the address
- list, DFA crashed. Fixed.
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.23 (26.10.94 00:17:11)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - The 'ADDRESSFILE' tooltype and cli parameter respectively
- made some "problems", as it caused some enforcer hits,
- especially when you gave a nonexisting filename.
- (Report: Markus Stipp)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.22 (25.10.94 23:09:40)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - After the arexx commands 'gui output off' and
- 'gui output on' the current entry was not updated, which
- could lead to confusion:-)
- (Report: Kai Iske)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.21 (14.10.94 12:07:42)
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- - If you entered more than 120 chars into the Comment field,
- DFA crashed, as the internal string buffer was a bit too
- small. Fixed.
- (Report: D. Ekholm)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.2 (07.10.94 21:48:28)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- - DFAEditor: If you selected 'All' to select all visible
- addresses, all available addresses were counted.
- This could lead to confusion:-). Fixed.
- (Report: Xen)
- - Locale bug fixed: If locale.library was present but not the
- locale: assign, DFA crashed:-(
- - Last minute bug fixed: If the editor was used without
- the server, it could happen (well, the chance was quite
- big:-)) that the Prefs program wasn't found!
- - (Un)set groups window did not close after pushing one of the
- (action) buttons, but you had to hit the close icon or the cancel
- button. Fixed.
- (Report: Xen)
- - CheckBirthday program included. Thanks Kai!
- Even got a wonderful icon for it. Thanks Xen!
- - DFAEditor/Print: A small window poped up, containing the
- printer name. I had forgotten to remove this 'puts()' call
- after a debugging session. Fixed.
- (Report: K.Kilper, M.Herold, etc.)
- - DFAEditor: Sometimes 'Addresses modified' text was
- not displayed - fixed.
- (Report: Michael Herold)
- - DFA-Editor: Status text display function deleted one
- pixel too much.
- (Report: Michael Herold)
- - Installer ist now available with german description texts
- as well. Notice: I still use the unlocalized installer, but
- have translated all custom description and help texts.
- - (Re)implemented "own" text gadget for the messages
- in the DFAEditor. This should remove any problems with
- OS < 3.x and several "special" fonts.
- - *** HD - Problem ***
- Some work lost ;-(
- - Search-Next after changing groups crashed.
- Fixed.
- (Report: Kai Iske)
- - If you've used a menu shortcut while the listview was
- reformatted (during the DFAEditor startup) and this caused
- a window to open, the main window poped in front as soon
- as the reformatting was finished. Fixed.
- (Report: Xen)
- - Cleaned up adr_fileio.h. Format strings no longer needed!
- - Changed the default address file name from
- s:adr.file to DFA:Addressfiles/default.dfa.
- This was done to give the DFA:AddressFiles drawer
- more sense. Up to now it has been an empty drawer;-))
- - Improved the information-i look. Up to now the
- lower serive has been overwritten by the frame.
- (Report: Xen)
- - Switched back to Smartrefresh...some tests showed that
- simple refresh leeds to problems at least while the main
- window input loop is "locked" (e.g. edit window active) or a
- bit "slow" (other activities).
- - Removed a bug that appeared after the change to a simple
- refresh window: Readpixel "sometimes" returned an error
- code (-1), but this code was used as a pen number ;-( .
- Up to now I implemented the /T switch as described in
- the RKMs (3rd revision), i.e. giving the parameter just
- toggled the current stage. This was, however not 100%
- correct as newer information tells.
- Now, the /T switch works as it should have all the time
- before. Giving "ON" or "YES" means toggle switch on, "OFF" or
- "NO" means switch it off.
- I do really hope that this change will not lead to any
- troubles... ;-)
- (Report: Magnus Holmgren)
- - Arexx-Port: New command: GUI input/T output/T
- Enables/disables DFAEditor user input and DFAEditor
- "output", i.e. listview updating etc.
- (Request: Kai Iske)
- - DFAEditor main window has been an smart refresh window,
- which made the display "a bit slow" on 256 color screens.
- Now it's a simple refresh window with "custom" refresh
- handling.
- (Request: Kai Iske)
- - Search function: Looked up some wrong fields. Fixed.
- (Report: Henning Hucke)
- - "Improved" the about window, i.e. made it more "fool proof"
- against enforcer hits and "too" long strings.
- Do really hope it works in _every_ case;-)
- (Report: Kai Iske, Xen)
- - Implemeted visual feedback for all button gadgets in
- DFAEditor and DFAPrefs.
- Has been some work and needs some more code, but I think,
- it's worth the price;-))
- - Added some more messages for the DFA-Editor message
- gadget. Some fine tunig of the user interface for the
- "Search" and "Copy to Clip" functions.
- - Another speedup for the reformatting of the
- main address listview. Optimized puddle size for the main
- address list and the display list. Especially the display
- list puddle size was a bit too small.;-)
- - Enlarged buffer sizes for the string gadgets in
- DFAEditor/EditWindow. This is the last part in DFA where
- fixed sized buffers are needed, as Gadtools must know
- about the string gadget size.
- - Cleaned up some parts of code in:
- * DFAEditor/adr_showdial.c
- * reslib/adr_list.c
- * include/buffers.h
- - Enhancement: Sped up address file loading by some
- percent;-))
- (Request: Xen)
- - Changed locale handling! Up to now, ALL (english) default
- strings have been included into the dfa.library! This made
- not much sense, of course. Now, the default locale strings
- are located where they are needed: In the different parts
- of DFA;-) (Editor/Server/Prefs)
- - Added clipboard support. Up to now there is only the
- possibility given to COPY the COMPLETE current address
- to the clipboard (UNIT 0). This can be enhanced, of course,
- either by configuration the fields to copy or by setting the
- clipboard unit, etc.
- Only NON-Zero fields are copied to the clipboard.
- - Some minor important window positions were not saved.
- Fixed.
- - (Un)set groups: It is possible now to change the addresses'
- group flags comfortably out of the DFAEditor main window.
- A window pops up that lets you set / unset the group flags
- of the active/all marked/all addresses.
- (Request: Michael 'Mick' Hohmann)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.1 (12.05.94 18:12:28)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- - Panel listview has had a "selected" text field. Removed.
- - Redesigned About window to display the DFA logo and the SASG
- logo as well. More work than I'd expected:-)
- - DFAEditor/Full: Description texts have been in english.
- Localization works now.
- (Report: Marcel Hofstetter)
- - DFAPrefs: Set RMBTRAP flag in all windows (exception: main
- window).
- (Suggestion: Marcel Hofstetter)
- - Added 'Windows' like gadget panel. Removed toolbox
- stuff.
- - Changed the Edithook for all windows of DFAPrefs that contain
- ONE string/integer gadget only. Up to now it has not been
- possible to leave such a gadget by hitting RETURN.
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.0 (21.04.94 00:07:57)
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- --- Initial release ---
- Index
- *****
- ADDRESSFILE ServerTooltypes
- CX_POPKEY ServerTooltypes
- CX_POPKEY ServerCLIParams
- CX_POPUP ServerCLIParams
- CX_POPUP ServerTooltypes
- CX_PRIORITY ServerTooltypes
- DFAEDITOR ServerTooltypes
- DFAPREFS EditorCLIParams
- DFAPREFS EditorTooltypes
- DONOTWAIT ServerTooltypes
- GUIDEFILE PrefsTooltypes
- GUIDEFILE EditorTooltypes
- PORTNAME ServerCLIParams
- PORTNAME ServerTooltypes
- PUBSCREEN EditorTooltypes
- PUBSCREEN PrefsTooltypes
- UPPERPUBSCREEN EditorTooltypes
- AREXX SCRIPTS Installation
- AREXX documentation ArexxBasics
- AREXX error codes ArexxErrorCodes
- AREXX port name ArexxBasics
- AREXX scripts Installation
- AREXX scripts Installation
- About EditorMenuAbout
- About PrefsMainMenuAbout
- About EditorMenuAbout
- Address Addresses
- Address file PrefsPaths
- address file format EditorMenuOpen
- address files ArexxBasics
- Address list EditorMainWindow
- Address listview EditorMainWindow
- Address Listview PrefsAList
- Address of the author PrefsMainMenuAbout
- Address of the author EditorMenuAbout
- Addresses EditorMenuInfo
- Adress of the author MyAddress
- All EditorSearch
- AMIGA pattern EditorSearch
- Append EditorMenuAppend
- Append EditorMenuAppend
- AppIcon EditorMainWindow
- AppIcon EditorMenuQuit
- Application Icon EditorMenuQuit
- Application icon EditorMainWindow
- Application Icon PrefsAppIcon
- Application Icon Position PrefsAppIcon
- Application Menu PrefsAppMenu
- Application Window EditorMainWindow
- Application-Icon AppIcon
- Arexx Arexx
- Arexx Basics ArexxBasics
- Arexx commands ArexxCommands
- Arexx Commands EditorMenuArexxCommands
- Arexx Commands EditorMenuArexxCommands
- Arexx Port EditorMenuInfo
- Arexx return value ArexxReturnAddress
- Arexx Scripts PrefsArexxCmds
- Arexx Scripts EditorMainWindow
- ASCII editor PrefsPaths
- ASCII Viewer PrefsPaths
- Author's address PrefsMainMenuAbout
- Auto Save PrefsAutoSave
- backup ArexxBasics
- Bank address BelgiumRegSite
- Bank address EnglishRegSite
- Bank address MyAddress
- Bank address GermanRegSite
- bank transfer EnglishRegSite
- bank transfer MyAddress
- bank transfer BelgiumRegSite
- bank transfer GermanRegSite
- Baud PrefsModem
- Bug Reports Bugreports
- Bug Reports Bugreports
- Button gadget UsingDFA
- Calling EditorMenuDial
- Calling PrefsModem
- Calling EditorTools
- Cancel (Edit) EditorEdit
- Cancel (Print) EditorPrint
- Cancel (Search) EditorSearch
- Change Templates EditorMenuEditTemplate
- Check Box UsingDFA
- CheckBirthday CheckBirthday
- Clear Column PrefsAList
- Clear line PrefsPList
- Clear mark EditorMainWindow
- Clear sort criteria PrefsSort
- CLI Parameter of the *DFA-Editor* programEditorCLIParams
- CLI Parameters of the *DFA-Server* ServerCLIParams
- CLI-Parameter des *DFA-Preferences*-ProgrammsPrefsCLIParams
- Column PrefsAList
- Commodity Commodity
- Copy to Clipboard EditorMenuCopyToClip
- Copy to Clipboard EditorMenuCopyToClip
- Copyright PrefsMainMenuAbout
- Copyright EditorMenuAbout
- Copyright Copyright
- Custom Screen (*DFA-Editor*) PrefsScreenEditor
- Custom Screen *DFA-Preferences Program*PrefsScreenPrefs
- Custom Screens PrefsScreen
- Cycle Gadget UsingDFA
- default settings Quick Start
- Device unit PrefsModem
- Dial EditorDial
- Dial EditorTools
- Dial EditorMenuDial
- Dialing PrefsModem
- Display Sort EditorMenuDSort
- Documentation for using AREXX ArexxBasics
- Edit EditorTools
- Edit EditorFull
- Edit EditorEdit
- Edit EditorEdit
- Edit EditorMenuEdit
- Edit EditorMenuEdit
- Edit Template EditorMenuEditTemplate
- EMail address of the author EditorMenuAbout
- Error codes of AREXX ArexxErrorCodes
- Exchange program Commodity
- External EditorEdit
- External file EditorEdit
- External files PrefsPaths
- Features Features
- Fields PrefsPList
- Fields PrefsSort
- Fields PrefsAList
- Fields to search EditorSearch
- File editor PrefsPaths
- file format EditorMenuOpen
- File Viewer PrefsPaths
- Filename ArexxBasics
- Find EditorMenuSearch
- find EditorTools
- First EditorFull
- Fonts PrefsFonts
- Format of the Address Field ArexxReturnAddress
- format of the address file EditorMenuOpen
- Formfeed EditorPrint
- Free PrefsAList
- Full EditorFull
- Full EditorMenuFull
- Full EditorMenuFull
- Full EditorTools
- Generate Icon PrefsGenIcon
- Giving a filename ArexxBasics
- Group handling PrefsGroups
- Groups PrefsGroups
- Groups PrefsGroups
- Hangup String PrefsModem
- Hardware MinConfig
- Hayes compatible PrefsModem
- Hints and Tips Tips
- Hires Mode PrefsHiresMode
- History History
- hotkey ServerTooltypes
- Hotkey EditorMenuQuit
- Hotkey EditorMainWindow
- hotkey Commodity
- Ignore case EditorSearch
- Important addresses Addresses
- Info EditorMenuInfo
- Information EditorMenuInfo
- Init String PrefsModem
- Insert Column PrefsAList
- Insert line PrefsPList
- Installation Installation
- Installer Installation
- Installieren Installation
- interface card PrefsModem
- interface card PrefsModem
- Internal Internal
- keyboard usage UsingDFA
- Kill EditorMenuKill
- Kill EditorMenuKill
- Kill EditorTools
- language Installation
- language Top
- Last EditorFull
- Last Saved PrefsMainMenuLastSaved
- Legal stuff Legal
- Licence Licence
- Lines PrefsPList
- Listview UsingDFA
- Listview (main window) EditorMainWindow
- Load EditorMenuOpen
- Load Preferences EditorMenuLoadPrefs
- Load Preferences EditorMenuLoadPrefs
- Load Settings EditorMenuLoadPrefs
- Locale IntLocaleSupport
- locale support Installation
- Mark all EditorMainWindow
- Mark by name EditorMainWindow
- Marking addresses EditorMainWindow
- Memory Condition EditorMenuInfo
- Menus EditorMenus
- Miscelleneous PrefsMisc
- Modem PrefsModem
- Move down PrefsPList
- Move left PrefsAList
- Move right PrefsAList
- Move up PrefsPList
- Native languages IntLocaleSupport
- Needed Configuration MinConfig
- network mode EditorMenuWriteAccess
- Network mode PrefsNetworking
- Networking PrefsNetworking
- New EditorTools
- New EditorMenuNew
- New EditorMenuNew
- New EditorNew
- New EditorNew
- New address file EditorMenuNewFile
- New file EditorMenuNewFile
- New since version 1.2x ArexxImportant
- Next EditorFull
- Next New EditorNew
- Next Sel. EditorFull
- None EditorSearch
- Ok (Edit) EditorEdit
- Ok (Full) EditorFull
- Online Help UsingDFA
- Open EditorMenuOpen
- Open Preferences PrefsMainMenuOpen
- order of the address fields ArexxImportant
- OwnDevUnit PrefsModem
- Panel Listview EditorMainWindow
- Panel Listview PrefsPList
- Paths and Filenames PrefsPaths
- Pattern EditorSearch
- Pattern EditorSearch
- Phone EditorMenuDial
- Phone PrefsModem
- Phone EditorTools
- Phone EditorDial
- Port name for AREXX ArexxBasics
- Position of the Application Icon PrefsAppIcon
- Postprocess Script EditorNew
- Predial String PrefsModem
- Preferences EditorMenuPreferences
- Preferences EditorMenuPreferences
- Presets EditorMenuEditTemplate
- Prev. EditorFull
- Prev. Sel. EditorFull
- Print EditorTools
- Print EditorPrint
- Print EditorPrint
- Print EditorMenuPrint
- Print EditorPrint
- Print EditorPrint
- Print EditorMenuPrint
- Print form EditorPrint
- Print style EditorPrint
- Print to EditorPrint
- program language Top
- program texts Top
- Public Screen EditorTooltypes
- Public Screen PrefsTooltypes
- Quick Search EditorMainWindow
- Quick Search EditorMainWindow
- Quick Start Quick Start
- Quit EditorMenuQuit
- Quit EditorMenuQuit
- Quit (*DFA-Editor* main window) EditorMainWindow
- Quit Preferences PrefsMainQuit
- Quit Preferences PrefsMainMenuQuit
- Radio button UsingDFA
- Receiving AREXX commands ArexxBasics
- Redial delay PrefsModem
- Registration Registration
- Registration Registration
- Registration in Belgium BelgiumRegSite
- Registration in England EnglishRegSite
- Registration in France FrenchRegSite
- Registration in Germany GermanRegSite
- Registration in Sweden NordicRegSite
- Registration in the USA USARegSite
- Remove EditorMenuRemove
- Remove EditorMenuRemove
- Remove (*DFA-Editor* main window) EditorMenuRemove
- Remove (*DFA-Editor* main window) EditorMainWindow
- Remove DFA PrefsMainRemove
- Remove DFA PrefsMainMenuRemove
- Reset To Defaults PrefsMainMenuReset
- Restore PrefsMainMenuRestore
- Retries PrefsModem
- Retries PrefsNetworking
- Retry delay PrefsNetworking
- Return of address items ArexxReturnAddress
- RXERR_CRTEXTIO ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_CRTPORT ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_MODIFIED ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NODIR ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOFILE ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOFIRST ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOLAST ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOLOAD ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOMEM ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NONEXT ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOPREV ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NORELOAD ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOSAVE ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_NOTFOUND ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_OPNPRFS ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_OPNPRT ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_SERBUSY ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_SERERROR ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_SEROK ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_SERRING ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_SERVOICE ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_SYNTAX ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_WRITEALL ArexxErrorCodes
- RXERR_WRITESEL ArexxErrorCodes
- Save EditorMenuSave
- Save EditorMenuSave
- Save as default EditorMenuSaveasdefault
- Save as default EditorMenuSaveasdefault
- Save as... EditorMenuSaveas
- Save as... EditorMenuSaveas
- Save Preferences PrefsMainSave
- Save Preferences EditorMenuSavePrefs
- Save Preferences EditorMenuSavePrefs
- Save Preferences PrefsMainMenuSave
- Save Preferences as PrefsMainMenuSaveAs
- Save Preferences as EditorMenuSavePrefsAs
- Save Preferences as EditorMenuSavePrefsAs
- Save Settings as EditorMenuSavePrefsAs
- Schnell-Suche EditorMainWindow
- search EditorTools
- Search EditorMenuSearch
- Search EditorTools
- Search EditorMenuSearch
- Search EditorSearch
- Search EditorSearch
- search criteria EditorTools
- Search criteria EditorMenuSearch
- Search for EditorSearch
- Search Next EditorTools
- Search Next EditorMenuSearchNext
- Secret Mode PrefsSecretMode
- Select device PrefsModem
- Select Groups EditorMenuGroupSelection
- Select Groups EditorMenuGroupSelection
- Selection EditorMainWindow
- Selection EditorMainWindow
- Selection of Addresses EditorMainWindow
- Selection: All EditorMainWindow
- Selection: By name EditorMainWindow
- Selection: Clear EditorMainWindow
- Selection: Jump to EditorMainWindow
- Serial device PrefsModem
- serial interface PrefsModem
- serial interface PrefsModem
- Serial number EditorMenuAbout
- Serial number PrefsMainMenuAbout
- Serielles Gerät PrefsModem
- Set and Unset Groups EditorMenuSetGroups
- Set Groups EditorMenuSetGroups
- shared access EditorMenuWriteAccess
- shortcut UsingDFA
- Show Application Icon PrefsAppIcon
- Software MinConfig
- Sort PrefsSort
- Sort EditorMenuSort
- Sort EditorTools
- Sorting PrefsSort
- Sorting of the Address Display EditorMenuDSort
- String Gadget UsingDFA
- Suff. Dial String PrefsModem
- Syntax ArexxBasics
- Template address EditorNew
- Template script EditorNew
- Templates EditorMenuEditTemplate
- Text Gadget UsingDFA
- Text Viewer PrefsPaths
- Thanks to... Thanks
- The CheckBirthday Program CheckBirthday
- The concept of DFA Concept
- The DFA-Editor program DFAEditor
- The DFA-Preferences Main Window PrefsMainWindow
- The DFA-Preferences Program DFAPrefs
- The DFA-Server program DFAServer
- The Main Window EditorMainWindow
- The Menu Items of the *DFA-Editor* EditorMenus
- Title PrefsPList
- Title PrefsGroups
- Tool Gadgets EditorTools
- Tool Gadgets EditorTools
- Tool Types of the *DFA-Preferences* programmsPrefsTooltypes
- Tooltypes ServerTooltypes
- Tooltypes ServerTooltypes
- Tooltypes for the *DFA-Editor* EditorTooltypes
- Unset Groups EditorMenuSetGroups
- Updates Updates
- Usage of DFA UsingDFA
- Use PrefsMainMenuUse
- Use Postprocess Script EditorMenuUsePostProcess
- Use Preferences PrefsMainUse
- Use Template Script EditorMenuUseTemplate
- Use Wildcards EditorSearch
- Used PrefsAList
- Version number PrefsMainMenuAbout
- version number EditorMenuAbout
- Visible lines PrefsPList
- Warranty Warranty
- Weight PrefsAList
- Write Access EditorMenuWriteAccess
- Write Access EditorMenuWriteAccess